Clematis viticella 'Pagoda'
Clematis 'Pagoda'
Late Spring 2021
- 6
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 3
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 0
Mid Spring 2017
- 1
Early Spring 2017
- 1
Late Summer 2016
- 4
Late Summer 2016
- 6

Clematis viticella 'Pagoda'
Late Spring 2021
Late Spring 2018

Clematis in full bloom #urbangarden #urbangardening #clematis #baltimore #baltimorecity
Mid Spring 2018
Late Spring 2017

My clematis is going strong. I need to trim it! #clematis #urbangardening
Mid Spring 2017
Mid Spring 2017

So pretty @uaskigyrl
Early Spring 2017

I learned something new today. I learned that clematis will start new growth on old growth. Generally I cut this guy all the way to the ground At the end of fall but last year I didn't. I didn't really have a reason, just curiosity. #gardening #gardeninglife #gardensurprises
Late Summer 2016

It always cracks me up when I hear that people are scared of trimming their Clematis. Trust me, it will be fine. I've tried to get rid of this thing so many times. I've cut down to the root, I've pulled it up, I've poisoned it, I've even SET IT ON FIRE...& it keeps coming back. I've resigned to the fact that this thing will be around longer than Cher & cockroaches. #clematis

@uaskigyrl BAHAHAHA so funny!!! I read the other day that cockroaches can survive being cooked in the microwave😂😂

@blocherr I noticed that it only gets flowers on new growth so I'm going to cut it down lower in late fall. The flowers are pretty & or looks cool when they are all blooming at once so I want add many flowers as possible

@uaskigyrl Awesome! Can't wait to see them bloom!🌺🌸
Late Summer 2016

Help me identify this plant. It's a climbing vine & will not go away. #plantid #helpme #whatisit

It looks beautiful and I wish I had it on my arbor but I'm sorry not sure what it is

@uaskigyrl @Medicalmama it's a clematis, but can't work out which variety. It's a nice one, don't get rid of it! 😉

@JeanChapin thanks! I don't think I could get rid of it if I tried! I've tried 3 times & it keeps growing back! Lolol. So now I'm going to keep it! Lol

@uaskigyrl LOL! Most people are too scared to cut theirs back, but now you know you can! They do tend to get overgrown and they benefit from a hard trim. 😉

Pretty colour 😀🌿💜
21 days until the wedding so I went out & picked the last of the spring flowers (or what I could) for my ecofetti. This mix is sweet Williams, Oakleaf hydrangea, clematis (never been able to figure out the variation), & a couple swamp roses. Swamp roses are native to the mid-atlantic & are a very delicate flower on a very angry bush so only 4 survived my fight with the bush before the bush won & I gave up 😂. I will have some early summer flowers before the wedding & that will be it!#thekitch
What a nice idea!
@emch I've been doing this for over a year! I have a few bags worth of petals! I hope it's enough!
We did the same for my niece's wedding! It was so pretty!!
@KariSamuel that's so cute! Did you use flowers from your garden too?
Indeed! 💗