Early Spring 2021
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Early Spring 2021
- 1
Early Spring 2021
- 2
Mid Spring 2018
- 5
Early Spring 2017
- 3
Early Spring 2017
- 4
Early Spring 2017
- 1
Early Spring 2017
- 5
Early Spring 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2016
- 13

Early Spring 2021
Early Spring 2021

Going to dry some lilacs for ecofetti! #thekitchencoven #ecofetti #homemadeecofetti #lilacs #lilacbush #urbangardening #urbangarden
Early Spring 2021

Pretty proud of my lilac bush right about now. When I first moved in I was working on bringing it back from being neglected, it was just about coming back to life when about 3 years ago someone trying to be helpful hard pruned my lilac bush back later summer😭 The past two years I've been very specific & light with pruning right after the blooms die just letting the bush grow crazy! #urbangarden #containergarden #lilac #lilacbush

Its lovely, nice work Belindah
Mid Spring 2018

My lilac bush is a-blooming! I have twice as many blooms as last year! #urbangardening #lilac #lilacbush #urbangardener #urbangarden

Soooo pretty

Mine is just barely getting buds right now. Cold weather retardation I think

💜👃💜👃💜👃💜 @uaskigyrl

@lesliecole49 mine bloomed much later than last year!
Early Spring 2017

You all can't even begin to understand how ecstatic I am about these blooms. When I moved in 3 years ago, I didn't know what this bush was so I cut it down (OOPS!). Then when it started growing back someone asked me why I cut it down cuz it was a lilac bush. So I let it grow back. This is the first year it has really bloomed. They are few & far between & kind of small but I'm thoroughly enjoying that I know what they are! Haha

One of my favorites 😀 but mine don't even have buds on them yet!

The microecosystem in my back yard is much warmer than the normal temps. I would day my back is more of a zone 8 than zone 7. My cherry tree bloomed almost a full month early!
Early Spring 2017

Like, 99.9% of the buds on this lilac bloom opened today. I wish you could smell this! #lilacs #smellovision

@columbiariver thank you! They are so prefect they almost look like paste flowers for baking decorations 😂

I can!

So pretty!
Early Spring 2017

When you wake up early just to cut your first lilac bloom of the season it must be #mondaymotivation... #lilacs #lilacblooms 😍😍😍
Early Spring 2017

Early lilac blooms :)

Mine bloomed early too


It's the crazy weather @lesliecole49 🤔😭

It's got to be, but boy, they still smell wonderful
Early Spring 2017

Buds on the lilac! #gardening #gardeninglife #gardensurprises
Early Summer 2016

I have this bush type plant that gets flowers in the spring. I also don't think it's getting enough sun... #plantid

That looks like a lilac. Dappled share works.

@KariSamuel thank you! I just looked it up & those are the flowers that bloom! Question: i really don't think it's getting enough sun, can they be moved?

@KariSamuel nevermind, you said dappled shade is do I make it bloom more then? Feed, maybe?

@uaskigyrl - that looks quite large, to even attempt to move! If there is a tree or something blocking more sun.... but otherwise, it may have been planted in the wrong place from the start? @mikethegardener @MelanieAt @jamesshobbs

Waaaah :(

@KariSamuel i guess I'll just have a green bush & no flowers then. Lol. I tried cutting it down when i first moved in & it grew right back like i never did anything! Lol

@uaskigyrl Lilacs need time to grow before they begin to flower. Most plants start blooming after three or four years but some may take as long as six or seven. How long have you had this?

@mikethegardener i bought the house 3 years ago & inherited the plant with the place haha. I don't know how old it is :'-( I do get some blooms in the spring.

Just baby it. It's definitely worth it. I love lilacs but unfortunately I don't think they grow here. I've never seen any in this north Texas town. Where I'm from in New Mexico there was one on almost every property I lived in.

Is there anything at its feet that would interfere with it getting enough water or nutrients?

@MelanieAt not at all...
I had a thought while snipping this bouquet: pastel colors taste like how lilacs smell...& No, I'm not high 😂 💐 #thekitchencoven #urbangarden #urbangardening #citygarden #citygardening #lilacs #lilacbushes
Ah, synesthesia. LOL