This is how my #Begonia #amphioxus is doing currently. It’s putting on a new lead about once every week and a half. It’s a slow grower, but when when full grown, these plants are absolutely amazing looking. Has anyone ever kept these before? Any tips on how to speed up growth on such a small plant? It’s in a 2” pot right now. I’ve given it a little super thrive and a small bit of 5-5-3 organic fertilizer a week or so ago. Thoughts?
This is how my #Begonia #amphioxus is doing currently. It’s putting on a new lead about once every week and a half. It’s a slow grower, but when when full grown, these plants are absolutely amazing looking. Has anyone ever kept these before? Any tips on how to speed up growth on such a small plant? It’s in a 2” pot right now. I’ve given it a little super thrive and a small bit of 5-5-3 organic fertilizer a week or so ago. Thoughts?