Campsis x tagliabuana 'Indian Summer'
Trumpet Vine 'Indian Summer'
Early Autumn 2022
- 2
Mid Summer 2021
- 4
Mid Summer 2020
- 2
Mid Summer 2019
- 8
Early Summer 2018
- 5
Early Summer 2018
- 11
Mid Summer 2017
- 9
Early Autumn 2016
- 24
Mid Summer 2016
- 6

Campsis x tagliabuana 'Indian Summer'
Early Autumn 2022
Mid Summer 2021

You know when things get a bit too big for their boots ? This is #campsis-indian-summer that has gone absolutely bonkers this year. In previous years, it got so rigorous it broke the arch that was there. Its tied to the fence now but has spread out and is hiding 2 palms and an acanthus and my stone bench to the left of it 😮 #thug

Oh boy, I've seen this around here climbing up into and crossing from tree to tree. They are very... vigorous...

I have a few thugs in my garden

The worst thug in my garden is acanthus mollis @sharonhayden I dont know how many times I’ve tried to eradicate the bugger but it won’t give up the ghost 🤬
Mid Summer 2020

First couple of flowers on #campsis-indian-summer

Lovely 🧡🧡
Mid Summer 2019

#campsis-indian-summer is having it's best year ever but its pulled my arch out of the ground with the weight of it 😂

Wow this is amazing always loved this one 💘💘💘 shame about the arch though 😕

It was still in bud I think the last time I was there Bestie @vec that’s a Beauty 😍👌 you need a tougher arch 😘

Had to pull mine out was taking over everything Julie 😬

Love it just brought one

Once it gets to the fence @juliesgarden it can keep on going 😂

I got Mr vec to use brute force to shove it back in the ground @keely

Gorgeous....and looks so well....
Early Summer 2018

#campsis-indian-summer now neatly tied in after trying to take over the arbour 🧡🧡🧡

Gorgeous, mines gone bonkers 🧡🧡

Blimely Bestie @vec that’s going Mad must like where you have it Looks Gorgeous 😍👌😘

Wowzer 💘💘💘

Yours is so much more advanced than mine 🤔 & mine didn’t flower last year either 😏
Early Summer 2018

Morning all. #firstflower on #campsis-indian-summer 😍

Morning Julie, what a lovely colour 😍😍

Morning Jane. I love this but it's not leaving much room to sit on the arbour 😂 @pelly

Morning Julie. Oh very nice 👋☺👍

Mines gone mad !

Morning lovely colour 💛

Good morning luv. Gorgeous colour 🧡🧡

Morning Bestie @vec this is so Gorgeous a Beautiful colour 😍😘

Morning Julie how lovely 💘

Morning Julie, very aptly named this one, 😊 @vec

Morning Julie that’s lurvly 🧡🧡
Mid Summer 2017

Morning all, it's not raining here at the moment but have waterproofs packed for work. #campsis #indian-summer is full of buds and a couple of flowers 🌺

Morning Julie @vec Be prepared 😂 you watch it will be a lovely day now you have your waterproofs with you. Hope you have a lovely day 😘

Morning Julie .....very pretty. Have a lovely dry day :)

Morning Julie its that rain that soaks you here 😣☔☔

Morning, that looks lovely against the grey! 👌🏼 it's very dark and threatening here...☁️☁️☁️

Morning Julie , that's fab , can't see any flowers on mine yet 😬😬

Hi Julie, just looking through all your photos, your garden is amazing!! You have created my kind of oasis, loads and loads of plants, and colour...... fabulous👏🏻 my Campsis is an absolute monster 😩I can't keep it under control, almost takes over one side of my border and almost reaches the sky 😉 and no amount of cutting back to the trunk stops it.

Morning @jadojado29 @flof1952 @Keely @rachelbrooks @juliesgarden thank you 😘

Hiya @pottybird42 Thank you, I love the hot colours with a few muted ones inbetween. Looking forward to #campsis being a monster. I saw a massive one undercover as a permanent fixture in a garden centre and it was amazing. I have a yellow one too on the other side on the arbour but it's sulking 😂
Early Autumn 2016

Morning all, so very nearly the weekend ☺ Another new bud about to burst into life on #campsis #indiansummer

Morning Julie time flys when we are having fun 😄

It's been a busy week for me @janric Going to look at another gardening job at 10 ☺

Good morning Julie! Nearly there - both the Campsis and the weekend! 😀

Good morning Julie.🙋🏻

Morning Julie @vec sounds like you are in demand another garden to do, good on you hope it works for you as I know how much you love gardening. Good luck 😘

Oh good luck Julie hope it's what you want 😘

Best of luck Julie 👍🏻

Morning Julie and good luck 🤗😘
Morning Julie good luck

Good luck 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

Morning and thank you @bigemrg @yodamama @jadojado29 @janric @christineb @nessas @lovemygarden and @clustyroen Yes I'm taking on that job too. Pretty labour intensive to start with but needs some tlc and a lovely lady to do it for who can no longer manage it ☺
Mid Summer 2016

Been to my favourite gc and got one off my wanted list. Campsis Indian Summer. This is to climb over the arbour 💛

Wow that's going to look stunning over your arbour @vec will show up lovely 💖

That's what I thought. I've been looking for this for a while @jadojado but they didn't have any last time I went to perrywoods. I am tempted to get the yellow or red version to climb up the other side or do I just stick with either honeysuckle or jasmine ... decisions decisions 😁

This will look terrific against the 'silver copse' 👌🏻

Ooh! Orange @vec 😂 this will look so striking against the paintwork! 👍🏼👍🏼

It's going to look beautiful 😍
I moved this in March to make way for the pond. For a long time it looked dead. When one of the fences went over in high winds, the fencing man “kindly” dug out my dead plant as it was against the broken fence… I put it back. Not so dead looking now is it 😂#campsis-indian-summer
Nope, definitely alive 👍