Clematis viticella 'Polish Spirit'
Clematis Polish Spirit
Early Summer 2020
- 10
Early Summer 2019
- 2
Mid Autumn 2018
- 3

Clematis viticella 'Polish Spirit'
Early Summer 2020
Mid Autumn 2018

My mystery #clematis is determined to cover the #garden-art

Looks made for it....💜💜

Loving the two tone purple shades she's wearing @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Unknown clematis has gone nuts this year 💜
Looks like Polish Spirit Julie 💜
That rings a bell @juliesgarden Thank you 💜
Gorgeous colours 💜💜🙂
You sure you have enough flowers on that clematis Bestie @vec 💜😂😘
Always room for more. I was a naughty girl this year and didn't cut back any clematis @jadojado29
I can’t believe I’ve cut 2 right down & I mean right down you couldn’t see any of them & they have grown really well with plenty of flowers. I’m not usually be that brutal with them Bestie @vec 😘
I can’t believe I’ve cut 2 right down & I mean right down you couldn’t see any of them & they have grown really well with plenty of flowers. I’m not usually be that brutal with them Bestie @vec 😘
I can’t believe I’ve cut 2 right down & I mean right down you couldn’t see any of them & they have grown really well with plenty of flowers. I’m not usually be that brutal with them Bestie @vec 😘