Rhododendron 'Cunninghams White'
Rhododendron 'Cunninghams White'
Early Spring 2024
- 1
Mid Spring 2022
- 3
Mid Spring 2020
- 2
Early Spring 2020
- 6
Mid Spring 2019
- 4
Mid Spring 2019
- 2
Mid Spring 2018
- 9
Mid Spring 2018
- 3
Mid Spring 2018
- 5
Mid Spring 2018
- 3
Mid Spring 2017
- 6
Early Spring 2017
- 3
Mid Winter 2017
- 6
Late Autumn 2016
- 1
Mid Summer 2016
- 4
Mid Spring 2016
- 3
Mid Spring 2016
- 9
Mid Spring 2016
- 7
Mid Spring 2016
- 1
Early Spring 2016
- 1

Rhododendron 'Cunninghams White'
Early Spring 2024
Mid Spring 2022

For those who couldn’t see the previous photo of #rhododendron-cunninghams-white @jacaranda @clearglass Think gremlins were around when I posted yesterday as it posted it twice and I deleted one of them

Thanks Jules 😘 It was well worth waiting for 👍

How pretty this is! I love the white flowers
Mid Spring 2020
Early Spring 2020

#rhododendron-cunninghams-white #euphorbia-characias-wulfenii Think I need to move that #wallflower Terrible colour clash 😂

Not at all Julie I hadn’t even noticed 🤣🤣

You know I'm going to move that tomorrow now don't you 😂😂😂 @lexijane If you put your finger over the wallflower it looks a much better photo 😂 I do love the euphorbia though, I've bought a few little uns this year which are dotted around. Probably find another colour clash with them next year 😳

I know you too well hun & that’ll be gawn 🤣🤣🤣 I’ll have to get that euphoria too. I love the round form 🙌🏼🙌🏼

Spotted them everywhere when we were at beth chattos last time and thought they'd work well in my garden. Not the easiest plant in the world to track down mind. I found my one by chance at Perrywoods and a local nursery who can't supply garden centres at the moment offered tiny ones for sale on fb so grabbed them all 😂 @lexijane

Oh yeah I remember you saying you’d found them there hun. That was a good spot 🙌🏼🙌🏼
Mid Spring 2019

#rhododendron-cunninghams-white in flower. Not many buds this year which I think can be put down to last years lack of rain

That’s lovely Julie 😍😍

Yours is ahead of mine Bestie @vec just come into bud 👍😘

I've got one in bud and one flower, that's it @jadojado29
Mid Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2018

#rhododendron-cunninghams-white in all her glory this evening


Beautiful 😍

Gawgus Hun especially with the purple behind it 💟💟

Thank you @lexijane @rachelbrooks and @nessas Erysimum Bowles mauve behind it has been in flower throughout winter. Its such a fantastic plant 💜

Oh they are such a giver can’t do without mine 💟

Or me! Mine hasn’t stopped flowering since last spring! Even through all that snow!

Looks Amazing Julie @vec now it’s all in flower what a Fabulous plant 👌😍😘

Mid Spring 2018

Here's my cheat #pink The #rhododendron buds are pink 😁

I can definitely see pink! 👍🏼👍🏼

Well half cheat as it’s starts off pink Julie @vec 👌😘
Mid Spring 2018

First flower opened today on #rhododendron-cunninghams-white 😍

Brilliant Julie @vec looks Great mine doesn’t look like that well not as pure white but it is the same 👌😍😘

Beautiful 💚

Lovely 💚💚💚

Gorgeous 😍
Mid Spring 2018

#rhododendron-cunninghams-white looking very pink before it opens 😍

This is a lovely one Julie @vec mines only a baby hope it grows up to be like yours 😘

It's doubled in size now it's settled in the ericaceous raised bed @jadojado29 It was a bit unsure of itself when I first moved it from the pot 😂
Mid Spring 2017

#rhododendron #cunninghamswhite From the palest pink bud to a white flower with yellow speckles 💞

Amazing how it changes 😲

Beautiful 👌

One of my favs! 😍

Your right it is the same as mine 👏 although the leaves on yours look healthier!

Fabulous 👌🏼
Early Spring 2017

#rhododendron cunninghams white ready to burst. Looks such a lovely pale pink in bud but it will open as a white flower 💞

Morning Julie, that's going to be a lovely pink 💕💕

Mid Winter 2017

Morning all, minus 4 outside at 8.20. #rhododendron is a bit frosted 😯

Morning Julie my that is chilly 😳great picture though 😊❄️❄️

Same here Julie ❄️❄️❄️

Very pretty! That's the same temperature that my car reported this morning!

Morning Julie sounds like a day inside with those temperatures eek!!

It's been like that for days here @Keely @bigemrg @juliesgarden and @Pauline. It's just above freezing now ❄❄❄
Late Autumn 2016

#Frosted #rhododendron
Mid Summer 2016

Looking much healthier than last year when they were stored at mums during the house move ☺ #rhododendron #flowerbud

Leaves look lush and healthy 👌🏼

They were very yellow, droopy and sad earlier this year as were my camellias which didn't flower. Think my parents were a bit stingy on the watering. Hoping to have a raised bed to put all my acid loving plants in at some point. I know they dislike my soil @rachelbrooks

That's a bud full of promise for next spring 😉👍
Mid Spring 2016
Mid Spring 2016

What a difference a couple of days of rain made #rhododendron

That looks lush 🌟

Absolutely gorgeous, I have a rhododendron in front garden which is ready to burst open , so looking forward to seeing it as it dropped all its buds last year. 🌸👍

@vec oops didn't tag 😂

@lovemygarden65 My other rhododendron isn't looking very happy. A few flower buds on there but think it needs repot ting and plenty of non tap water to get some good growth for next year. You can't win them all

@Keely The flowers look good, I am a bit concerned about the leaf colour. With moving in the middle of August last year, I think they got a bit neglected 😢

@vec mine is in a large pot and I was told to water it well oct and Nov as lack of watering at latter part of year can cause buds to drop. Did this and fed early spring and it is full of buds. 🌸

Yes that's right @lovemygarden65. I have no buds on any of my camellias this year. Will feed and water and top up with ericaceous compost and keep my fingers crossed for next year

#white #advice-rhododendron
Mid Spring 2016

#Rhododendron in flower ❤


I have this one too @vec! We must have similar taste. 😀

We've got good taste @Patiorose Mine was a present from the other half as I was tossing up between this one and another one which is pink so I got both 😀 Think that was the last time he came to a garden centre with me lol

I avoid taking mine to GC ...he always spoils my fun! 😉

@Patiorose Mine thinks gardens would be perfect concreted over 😢 He has absolutely no interest and glazes over when I mention anything to do with the garden

....some people eh...🙄
Mid Spring 2016

You know it's spring when this beauty starts to open #rhododendron
Early Spring 2016

As I went to get the compost for the phormium, something caught my eye #rhododendron-cunninghams-white Always think spring is starting in my garden when these start budding up