I see the gremlins at @ukgardentags are still at work. Trying to comment and it timed out, trying to like comments and the same. Thank you @midnightgardener Hopefully these will post even though it says it hasnt until I refresh
The reason why I love Garden Tags so much apart from not remembering what all my plants are called without it is comparison photos. This unusual little palm was planted in 2018 and I was just looking at it thinking that’s put on a bit of growth then looked back at my older photos and said Wow … #trachycarpus-nainital
Haven’t posted for ages as my garden has been decimated over winter. All 6 my chamaerops palms have spear pulled and look dead (might resprout) and many others are damaged. Thought I’d put up what has escaped unscathed. This is #trachycarpus-nainital
It’s soul destroying, All my cordylines have had it including the big ones. I’ve only seen one so far in my town that’s still clinging on to life 😢 @jacaranda I’ve bought replacements, cut down all the dead stuff and waiting til frosts have finished before adding some colour back in. Even my phormiums have been completely trashed
@hebelover Most of what’s gone wasn’t expensive when bought but has been growing for years. I couldn’t afford to replace them like for like so starting off small again. Anything expensive was likely bought by my ex so not too worried if another part of him disappears 🤣
One of my rarest palms #trachycarpus-nainital has put even more beautiful growth since I took a photo in August 💚
Beautiful Palm. Something to be proud of 💚💚💚💚
I see the gremlins at @ukgardentags are still at work. Trying to comment and it timed out, trying to like comments and the same. Thank you @midnightgardener Hopefully these will post even though it says it hasnt until I refresh