PlantID please? This has cropped up in my #wildflower trench. I planted a lot of different flower plugs but I’ve either forgotten what this one is, or it is self-seeded. Thought it was a #pink #scabious at first but definitely not when looking close up #help #advice #question
PlantID please? This has cropped up in my #wildflower trench. I planted a lot of different flower plugs but I’ve either forgotten what this one is, or it is self-seeded. Thought it was a #pink #scabious at first but definitely not when looking close up #help #advice #question
Can you show a pic of the leaves please to help?
#armeria #armeria alpina spillone alpino @victorial ....beautiful 🌸
@danielas I did plant it! Wow! It is so pretty. Thank you so much! Also @hayleyaj thanks for the offer of help too!
@victorial you are welcome 🌸