Digitalis purpurea
Common Foxglove
Late Spring 2020
- 1
Late Spring 2020
- 1
Mid Spring 2020
- 3
Early Autumn 2019
- 6
Early Summer 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 3
Early Summer 2019
- 4
Early Summer 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2019
- 5

Digitalis purpurea
Late Spring 2020
Late Spring 2020

#self-seeded foxgloves are doing well and flowering on their first year. #pink #white
Mid Spring 2020

#Question please. I thought foxgloves were biennial i.e. grow one year, flower the next, but these are last years seeds which started growing this year. This plant is only about 25cm and it is already flowering. Does this mean it’ll die off at the end of the year, or are these flowers just a boon and it should grow and flower properly next year? #help #advice thanks!

If they get a good start they may flower this year foxgloves can be left in n come back next year after they've flowered so it should be ok for next year too 😊

@Keely ok, great! Thank you so much 😘 A lovely little bonus for me then
Early Autumn 2019

@pelly - I think you might be right about needing to move some of these out 😂 #foxgloves #self-seeded #white #pink

Oh yes, I see what you mean!! There are rather a lot there but also a lot of free plants Victoria 😄👍

@pelly definitely! This is just one patch representing about 1/3 of the seedlings - I have three times as many nearby! Definitely not going to plant anymore seeds though!

Good grief, I don't think you need to 😂😂

@pelly exactly! When they went to seed, I cut the spikes, brought them inside, let them dry, put them in a bag and shook them for ages. Eventually, no more seeds came out. I added them to a small pile on the bed which was waiting to go in my over-full brown bin and popped them in a few days later. Turns out they weren’t as empty as I thought and this is the result. I am left with a huge envelope of foxglove seeds too so going to have to give them away 😂

Why don’t you put them on here and see if anyone wants them, it’s what I do with surplus seeds? It’s a great way to do it I think 👍👍
Early Summer 2019

I still love having bumblebees in my garden! #wildlife #wildlifewednesday #wildlife-wednesday #bumblebee #bee #bee-friendly #beefriendly #pink
Early Summer 2019
Early Summer 2019

One thing I am loving about gardening properly for the first time is appreciating the small things and the things you only notice when they’re in your garden. I adore these foxglove pods left behind after the flowers are gone. They look so tactile and flowery themselves #seedpod #gonetoseed

Dried out they will give you lots more seeds for you too 👌👌

Yep! I want some to self seed and some to pot up. Should I leave them on to dry or take them off now and let them dry off the plant?

I left mine last year to the point where they'd dried, then started to open up. I chopped them off and shook them into a bag and ended up with literally thousands of seeds. I guessed a lot of them had already self seeded (which I found out this year that they did) so I went and spread them around the park this march. They've taken well and will only keep spreading each year.
Early Summer 2019

Say hello to the octopus! The other foxglove grew two spikes but this has eight and they are growing sideways! I kind of love it though!
Late Spring 2019

It’s a good job I did stake the foxgloves as suddenly this guy arrived and was still collecting pollen in the rain! I have even more love for bumblebees now! #wildlifewednesday
Late Spring 2019

Is there anything more perfect that the inside of a foxglove flower? This pink beauty is throwing off lots of new spikes and I have a white one too. It’s a bumblebee magnet as well which is a bonus for me when I’ve got an immature bed that was grass only three weeks ago, in a garden that’s never had many bees before! #macro

They're just the best 💖🐝💖🐝

Beautiful 😍

@anges I agree 🐝 🐝🐝 @jyotu thank you 😊

If two foxgloves (white and bright pink) are cross-pollinated, is it possible to create an ombré hybrid? I have both in my garden and this one is #self-seeded and it is pale pink at the bottom and white at the top. Is this normal? #hybrid #pink #white #foxglove #question #help #advice