Hosta (Tardiana Group) 'Devon Blue'
Plantain Lily 'Devon Blue'
Late Spring 2020
- 11
Mid Spring 2020
- 1
Early Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Summer 2019
- 11
Early Summer 2019
- 10
Early Summer 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 4
Late Spring 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2019
- 2
Late Spring 2019
- 6

Hosta (Tardiana Group) 'Devon Blue'
Late Spring 2020
Mid Spring 2020

Hosta is in full growth. Will it get a more blue hue as it matures?
Early Autumn 2019

One of the five new stems of blooms on my #hosta. Between the two hostas, I have had over 12 stems. Lovely! 25-09-19
Mid Summer 2019

#Help needed! To water or not to water?!?! It’s been a hot and humid day and my soil is a bit dry. However a huge storm is predicted at 1am tonight so they’ll get soaked! The challenge is that the weather forecast keeps moving the storm back and my plants are thirsty now! My soil is a bit slow draining (I’m working to improve it) but I don’t want to overwater! Should I just water in the morning if it doesn’t rain? Or water now and risk? Picture of my gorgeous #Hosta flower for attention!

I would water in morning best time to do it as it takes longer to dry throughout the day then 👍😄

@Keeley Thanks! I’m worried about my poor plants! And I’m also worried the storms going to do some damage! When did I become so garden obsessed 😂

Have a look if any plants seem particularly wilted now and only water those this evening. The rest of your plants can wait until the storm unless you spot some plants still looking wilted after a cool night.

@ublaszko thanks for the advice and you too @Keely! They got a mammoth drenching with a huge two hour storm and the ground can now be described as sodden. Thankfully lots of thunder and lightening and rain but not a single bit of damage to my plants 😅

What a storm it was too that will def get down to roots with all that rain also saved me watering this morning before work 😁

Apparently we had a thunderstorm last night but I slept through it 😂😂

@ublaszko urszula how the heck did you sleep through that the noise woke me up instantly 😂😂

I'm glad it didn't wake me up because I'm terrified of thunderstorms @Keely

@Keely me too and my doggies who looked super confused 🤷♀️ @ublaszko sorry they scare you - I love them!! Feels like the sky is having a strop 😂

@columbiariver - Impressive!
Early Summer 2019

This is my #mondaymotivation! My #Hosta has finally done its thing and opened. It’s only taken three weeks from bud to flower 😂 #purple #white #flower

Well worth the wait! Those flowers are beautiful 💟

@kez001uk aren’t they? I’ve always loved Hosta foliage but didn’t know they flowered. Now I’m ecstatic! So worth the wait!!

@victorial I know they’re grown for the foliage but I find the flowers so attractive too 😁 must say I don’t have any quite this pretty though 😜

@kez001uk I’d like to take the credit for selecting a good one, but given that I didn’t even know they flowered, let’s call it a happy accident!! @joanboston was telling me that some people cut the flowers off because they don’t like them 🤔 completely blew my mind that people did this!

That’s a beauty! They are not all as pretty as that 😀

@joanboston now I feel special🥰

@victorial a very happy accident! @joanboston Joan is right, they aren’t all as pretty. Some I can see why they cut off the flowers 🤣 but I could never bring myself to do it 🙈

I never cut the flowers off hosta I hasten to add. Just know that some people do @kez001uk

@joanboston I don’t blame you Joan, they’re a nice different element to the plant 😁
Early Summer 2019

My devon blue flowers are still growing. Can’t wait to see them open #Hosta #DevonBlue 14-07-19
Early Summer 2019

Hurry up!!!! 10 days and still not open. I want to see #impatientgardener 03-07-19
Early Summer 2019

Call me #naive but I hadn’t realised that a #Hosta will flower. Not sure why now I think about it 🤷♀️ This definitely feels like a #flower is coming and my other hosta has two of these just sprouting #bud #cantwait #devon-blue #foliage #uk 23-06-19

Yes they do flower, I find them pretty but some people cut them off!

@joanboston really? Why! Sure there are some flowers I like less than others but not sure I’d remove them?!

Me neither Victoria
Late Spring 2019

The one perk of having an infant garden is that the snails haven’t moved in yet! Which also means that my Hostas are still in tact despite all the rain! Weighing everything up, I’ll be glad when my garden has more wildlife though. The bees have already moved in, so excited to see what is next 👌
Late Spring 2019

Cataloguing two of these 07-08-19. Devon Blue variety
Late Spring 2019
Late Spring 2019

Is there anything better than water droplets on a Hosta leaf? Hostas are some of my favourite foliage in terms of aesthetic. They almost look fake in their perfection! #macro

Stunning photo 👏👏💚💦

Thanks @suerichards 🥰

Beautiful pic 👌📸

@dpkgujar thanks 🤩

Very welcome 😇
Does anyone know why this has happened to my #hosta? Online it suggests it’s dying or dying down for winter but there has been new growth in the last week. Also plenty of water / moisture in the ground and although it gets a little direct sunshine it is about an hour at 5pm and it is mostly shaded by other plants. Thoughts? #help #advice #question
@jacaranda Barbara is the hosta lady 💚🙂👌
@anges thank you! Hopefully she has an answer 😊
Sure she will 😃
Oh Victoria your Hosta looks so sad! Initially I thought too much sun as I’ve seen similar damage on Hostas that really need to be in shade but from what you’ve said that’s obviously not the problem. I suggest you dig it up and check the roots in case something has been eating them or they have begun to rot. Then pot it up, give it a good feed and put it somewhere cool and shady but keep an eye on it. Good luck and keep me updated on its progress 😘
Thanks for the tag, Ange 😘 I hope my suggestions will help Victoria 🤞 @anges
I knew you'd know what to do! 🙂 thanks for replying so soon 😃 really helpful for everyone 💕 @jacaranda
@jacaranda could it be sun ‘shock’? I had an Angelica growing nearby that has big umbrella leaves and it came down in the wind so I took it out. The hosta is in almost full shade but as I said, it does get an hour or so right in the evening as the sun is at the right angle. It could have been fully shaded by the Angelica and suddenly got more sun than normal? It grew in that spot last year and was very happy! Also, new leaves coming through and aren’t yellow or brown and seem happy?
@anges thanks again!
@jacaranda p.s. I will try all your tips. Thank you!
It’s not something I would’ve expected to happen as Devon Blue is supposed to tolerate a little sun but it’s possible, Victoria. Why not try another option. As there are new leaves coming through and they’re all fine you could leave the plant where it is, cut off all the damaged leaves and see what new growth it puts on. Feed it regularly and watch it for any signs that the leaves are getting damaged again. If that doesn’t work I would dig it up and pot it on like I suggested earlier. 💚