Tillandsia pruinosa
Airplant (Species) Fuzzywuzzy Airplant
Late Autumn 2016
- 7
Mid Autumn 2016
- 13
Mid Autumn 2016
- 19
Mid Autumn 2016
- 8

Tillandsia pruinosa
Late Autumn 2016
Mid Autumn 2016

Printed my very own airplant holders I thought Medusa was only fitting to seat the tillandsia 'medusae' 😉 @craftyplants

Amazing. 😊😊

That's fantastic 😍

Can i have it. :-):-):-)

Thank you ladies @pelly @lovemygarden65 ❤

Haha @Christos I'd love to make more and share them 😄


They're beautiful Wesley 😍👌

Thank you @dibbs @mich very kind of you ❤❤

Looking good! Really nice creations. Definitely a fitting home for caput-medusae.

Amazing!!! Love it Wesley!!! Which software do you use for modelling? I've been wanting to learn Cinema 4D for a long time...

Thank you @josy 😚 I use Meshmixer, 123D Design and Netfabb I love it, I'd love to see what you come up with I loved your designs! 😆
Mid Autumn 2016

They're all back up on the tree in front of the Angels trumpet! Pt2 😊 #tillandsia #indoor #airplant https://www.craftyplants.co.uk/

Fantastic! Very visual 🤗

They look fabulous!! 💕

Thank you ladies 😚 @Diane76 @hayleyaj Inspiring little things they are! 😊

Yes indeed! 😃😃

Oh wow! This is an incredibly beautiful display.

Thank you very much 🙂 @kaigia

Very creative tree. Excellent job.

This looks amazing 😊

Thank you guys 😁🖒 I needed somewhere to put them all so I improvised, I might make more settings for them soon I really enjoyed it. It's an art form itself 😁 @Christos @elsie

It certainly is.......very impressive 😊

I love this Wesley it's beautiful in the house it all looks amazing well done you! 😍💚👌👏👏
Mid Autumn 2016

I found a gem the other day @aes239 I've never seen this one 😍😍😍😍 #tillandsia #indoor #houseplant #tagitgreen https://www.craftyplants.co.uk/

Looks like an alien 👽

#airplant #tillandsia #indoor

Now that is just crazy looking! Can't say I've ever seen one before either, but it sure looks awesome 😀

@aes239 I think tillandsia are definetly one of my favourite plant, I'm really glad I found them 😆

Totally inspired by this - found some wood have debarked it currently sanding it and have set all the air plants in teardrop glass holder thingys - did a two week stint in houseplants at work and learnt loads so fingers crossed - will upload pic when project air is finished lol

I really can't wait to see what you did & I'm glad you like it @ayyjay they're such a good and natural way to display them 😍

Thanks for the inspiration!!
Tillandsia 'Pruinosa' is starting to have babies! 😍😍😍
Congratulations 🤗
Awww baby 😍😍😍
Haha thank you @susieg love it when I find a babba 😍
#teenytiny #tillandsia