Aloe 'Christmas Carol'
Aloe 'Christmas Carol'
Early Summer 2019
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Late Spring 2019
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Late Spring 2019
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Late Spring 2019
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Aloe 'Christmas Carol'
Early Summer 2019
Late Spring 2019
Something interesting is happening.
@angiie Thank you! I am nervous that I may have let the sun do some major damage. I'm gonna repot and take it inside this weekend and let it recoup over the summer.
Late Spring 2019
@KelsiBriana I took more photos. Hopefully you can see if better. I don't think it is aloe cancer. It looks like self propogating to me. I am very much a novice though and I could totally be wrong. I honestly think I let it get sun burnt and it is probably trying to save itself.
Thank you for teaching me about Aloe Cancer though! I'll make sure to look out for it now that I know.

Very cool 🔥
Late Spring 2019
Is that a new plant growing on the stem? Very peculiar! Afraid it entire plant might be sunburnt, so maybe I will repot and bring it inside for a few months.

Such a beauty 😍
Thank you!
Someone is having babies and will need a larger pot soon...