Ficus microcarpa 'Ginseng'
- Late Summer 2019
- 7
- Late Summer 2018
- 5
Eventually found this for myself for reasonable price 🙃 #ficus #ginseng-ficus #ficusretusa #bonsai #newbaby #gardentags
From this picture if looks like an elephants hind. Lol I actually really like this plant
@jamescalli me too! Was really difficult to pick one, they are all very interesting, not usual just 2 legs. They call it cheating bonsai because it looks so good straight away 🙈
Where did you get this wonderful +plant ? 😀😁
@jamescalli both in Lidl this morning. I went to get the ficus, but the euphorbia was a pleasant surprise. They had couple other very cool ones but I really have to be careful. Just bought the cob led lights from Amazon to try with adenium seedlings for winter and if this not enough will have to get t5 lights 🤨
Eventually did some branch fusing wiring. thinking lower will go down as cascade, and when may be turn it more on right side in spring. #bonsai #ficus #ficusginseng #wiring #fusing
Ahhh Bonsais In training? 😉