Fragaria vesca 'Baron Solemacher'
Woodland Strawberry 'Baron Solemacher'
Early Autumn 2018
- 5
Early Summer 2018
- 7
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 7
Early Spring 2018
- 1

Fragaria vesca 'Baron Solemacher'
Early Autumn 2018
Early Summer 2018

Alpine strawberry is definitely going for the record sizes! It's as sweet as honey as well. If I knew we will have summer like this I'd plant more seeds! 😍 #alpinestrawberries #strawberries #wildstrawberries #berries #fromseedtotable #growyourown #gardentags

Lovely with some cream, yum yum

Oh wow @wwTigraww those are huge! My alpine strawberries are weeny little round things, the biggest arr not much bigger than blueberries. Must be a different variety!

This one's seeds I ordered from Ukraine on eBay three years ago. And they even gave berries that same year! I'll happily send to seeds, I'm collecting some berries now for drying. Or if you in Cork l could separate one plant from box. They spread very very fast! @Mikekally

That would be amazing @wwTigraww! I'm up in Donabate, but would love to seedswap if there's anything I have that you'd like and I can send in return 😊

@Mikekally deal! 😁 i can post you a few rooted branches too now or next spring too.

Brilliant thanks so much!
Early Summer 2018

Need more boxes this year! Or these will burst! #strawberry #alpinestrawberry #wildstrawberry
Early Spring 2018

Last year's photo

Great 👍 photo

Super pic. #strawberry

Thank you!

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@brightcolours got it 😊 I'm really loving this! Thank you for your help. I posted about this on cacti group, hopefully more people will join 😁

Looking forward to seeing them! 🌵 🌵 🌵
Early Spring 2018

First flowers this year! Survived winter very well!
October, still going strong! #strawberries #alpinestrawberry #berries
Oh lovely! A fine crop there. What way will you have them? 😆
Oooh lovely crop ! Yum !😁
@alan1111 freezer for Christmas or New year's berry mousse 😊 and some for Neelix. They aren't getting very red any more so bit sour, well be perfect for dessert!
Oh that sounds lovely. How is neelix doing? My paddy is going through a molt at the moment that's driving him mad with a itch.