Solanum Lycopersicum 'Totem'
Tomato 'Totem'
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 7
Late Spring 2018
- 3
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 1

Solanum Lycopersicum 'Totem'
Mid Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

Tomatoes are getting really pretty! Exciting 😍 #fromseed #growyourown #tomato #greenhouse

Lovely won't be long now ☺

Mine are still tiny. Checked today and some new tomato s popped up. Did some trimming too.

@jamescalli i didn't know I'm suppose to trim 😏 only learning. Need to Google tomorrow. Also these ones are plum may be that's why? The usual type are only flowering and not looking very super happy. Kind of very tall and thin.

I've no clue what half mine are haha. Yea ypu remove the off shoots. And any leaves below the first bunch of flowers, I'm considering feeding them twice a week now because ive broad beans growing beaide them. I also forgot about the other 3 seeds I put in one huge pot they spouted abd are growing up to 2 meters. Some taller. "/

You see they are my first tomatoes and one is from the seed packet and this ones are from Coop . Got three tiny ones in case seedlings didn't survive. I think I'll feed twice as well and water twice daily. Mine are in pots, so need as much help as I can give them 😁 @jamescalli

@jamescalli 2 metres 🙀 blimey! I thought mine were tall. Thank you for the help! Will go do that now while it's a bit cloudy. So sick of the house arrest, need some rainy weather to do good gardening 🤣
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018

Go on you little pretties, make us nice tomatoes ☺ #flowers #tomato #tomatoflower #tomatoes #fromseedtotable #growyourown
Late Spring 2018

A few warm days and I got first tomato flower! Exciting 😁 #tomato #tomatoflowers #greenhouse #growyourown
Early Spring 2018

Just got those pretty guys for the new green house 😊 #tomato #tomatoes #bushtomatoes #vegetablegarden
Getting there! #tomato #tomatoes #nearlythere #gardentags