Cotyledon tomentosa Variegata
Cotyledon 'Bears Paws Variegated White'
- Early Summer 2018
- 17
- 5
- Late Winter 2018
- 16
- 3
- Mid Winter 2018
- 22
- 4
- Mid Winter 2018
- 20
- 4
Cotyledon tomentosa Variegata
- Early Summer 2018
- 17
- Late Winter 2018
- 16
- Mid Winter 2018
- 22
- Mid Winter 2018
- 20
#cotyledon #cotyledontomentosavariegatawhite #cotyledon-tomentosavariegatawhite #tomentosavariegatawhite #variegatedbearpaws #cesarepark 11.07.18
Serious case of plant envy! 😍 They're so pretty! 💚
@Soph1e - thanks so much. They are seriously beautiful but very fragile when posted. I lost many leaves.
Oh no! Such a shame 😔
#cotyledon #cotyledontomentosavariegatawhite #cotyledon-tomentosavariegatawhite #tomentosavariegatawhite #variegatedbearpaws #cesarepark 01.12.18
Beautiful one! Are these more susceptible to sunburn since they are half white?
I haven't had them in full sun, but rather filtered sun. If anything variegated plants need more light to help with photosynthesis. As I haven't had in in full sun, I am unsure about burn. @r3trovertigo
Oh I see, thank you always learning with you guys!