Hylotelephium Sunsparkler Lime Zinger
Hylotelephium 'Lime Zinger'
Mid Summer 2019
- 0
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 3
Early Winter 2018
- 1
Late Autumn 2018
- 2
Mid Autumn 2018
- 3
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 4

Hylotelephium Sunsparkler Lime Zinger
Mid Summer 2019
Early Summer 2018

#sedum #sedum-sunsparklerlimezinger #sedumsunsparklerlimezinger #limezinger #sunsparkler #cesarepark 14.01.19 definitely looks more hylotelephium than sedum to me. But what do I know... 😂
Late Spring 2018
Early Winter 2018

#sedum #sedum-sunsparklerlimezinger #sedumsunsparklerlimezinger #limezinger #sunsparkler #cesarepark #mealy-bug #mealybugsaretheworst #mealybugrecovery - 05.06.18 watching this recovery is so satisfying. Especially knowing I got the better of the bugs. 💪🏻
Late Autumn 2018
Mid Autumn 2018

#sedum #sedum-sunsparklerlimezinger #sedumsunsparklerlimezinger #limezinger #sunsparkler #cesarepark #mealy-bug #mealybugsaretheworst #mealybugrecovery
@Yollymac - So scared of these mealy bugs 😞 how did you treat it?

@panda bear - I used horticulture alcohol spray to start with but it didn’t work much so I used a produce called confidor which is an insecticide. It has a spray as well as granules that you add into the soil which makes it systemic so that when the bugs bite the plant, they die. Always best to not let your plant flower when this is the case so you don’t inadvertently affect bees.
Mid Autumn 2018

Plant on its arrival, likely already affected by Mealy as it just went backward from the day it for here.
Mid Autumn 2018

I have been debating about posting this. The plant arrived here from a seller and seemed to have a few chunks out of the leaves. Well a couple of weeks later and this is what remains. I have sprayed with confidor and it looks like new growth is finally popping out, though I thought I would lose it. I wanted to post it here to show progress.

Always a great sign seeing new growth. I think it will be fine.

@ambitiouswolf - I think so too but will have to keep a close eye on it for reinfestation I’m 14 days - I believe mealy bug was the culprit.
