Iris domestica syn. Belamcanda chinensis
Blackberry Lily
Mid Autumn 2018
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Early Autumn 2018
- 4
Early Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 2

Iris domestica syn. Belamcanda chinensis
Mid Autumn 2018
Early Autumn 2018

#belamcanda #belamcanda-chinsensis #belamcandachinsensis #chinsensis #blackberrylily #leopard lilly- #cesarepark 28.03.18


Green promises of spring. Can’t come soon enough!

@joodie - we are just heading into autumn here in Australia. One of my friends/sellers sent me this as a surprise when I bought some plants from her. We didn’t know that it would take and almost didn’t. Three stalks died and I was literally about to turf the fourth when I saw a tiny green leaf pointing out. So happy as they have the prettiest flowers!
Early Autumn 2018

#belamcanda #belamcanda-chinsensis #belamcandachinsensis #chinsensis #blackberrylily #leopard lilly- #cesarepark 11.03.18
Early Autumn 2018

#belamcanda #belamcanda-chinsensis #belamcandachinsensis #chinsensis #blackberrylily #leopard lilly- I received as a surprise in one of my orders from @succulentparadise, three stalks of this lily after commenting on it on her Facebook. We didn’t know it if it would take and actually for a while I really believed it didn’t. But last week, new life poked out of the ground!! 😍😍😍 03.03.18

#belamcanda #belamcanda-chinsensis #belamcandachinsensis #chinsensis #blackberrylily #leopard lilly- #cesarepark 12.04.18 - growth seems to have slowed down now.