xGraptoveria Purple Dreams
Graptoveria 'Purple Dreams'
- Late Winter 2018
- 13
- 7
- Mid Winter 2018
- 12
- 3
- Mid Winter 2018
- 10
- 9
- Late Summer 2018
- 17
- 2
- Late Summer 2018
- 13
- 2
xGraptoveria Purple Dreams
- Late Winter 2018
- 13
- Mid Winter 2018
- 12
- Mid Winter 2018
- 10
#graptoveria #graptoveria-Purpledreams #graptoveriapurpledreams #purpledreams #cesarepark 17.07.18
@Soph1e - looking back over to the original photos, I think I am keeping mine too dry. I am doing this with all my plants now to help with rainy seasons and frost.
Same i am starting to see a struggle with the balance. Overnight from 3 to 6 deg but a couple of zeros earlier this week.... rain due 1st week august
@tracygarden - next year I will have a greenhouse for winter. Bugger this! 😆
With so many new plants not settled in yet and all different watering requirements. I keep thinkin no more new plants until spring but have 6 in the post this week and still dont have my romeo rubin or west rainbow yet......
@tracygarden - oh I totally understand. Feel free to message me on FB if you wanted to chat. 😊
Txs wats ur address again cant find in threads
@tracygarden Yolandi McConville
- Late Summer 2018
- 17
#graptoveria #graptoveria-Purpledreams #graptoveriapurpledreams #purpledreams #cesarepark 08.08.18
@Soph1e ☝🏻 I am going to bottom water it this time only and see how we go. 😲
Fingers crossed for this one! 🤞
@Soph1e - thank you. The other plant that’s not liking my conditions is Pachyveria Augusta. I need to fiddle with these two some more and work out what makes them happy.
Good luck working out what will make them happy. I finally sussed what was upsetting my "Purple Dreams". The humidity was fine in the greenhouse but the soil was too hot when watered. Leaving a ring around my plants and letting the roots seek out water seems to have made a huge difference with all my chubby leaved plants.
@Soph1e you may be on to something there yet. I may try and water later at night and over pot so the water can disperse. Also perhaps pebbles may then work for this one.. hmmm. 🧐🤓