xGraptoveria Snow Peach
Graptoveria 'Snow Peach'
- Late Autumn 2019
- 7
- 1
- Mid Summer 2019
- 19
- 2
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 14
- 1
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 10
- 1
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 15
- 4
xGraptoveria Snow Peach
- Late Autumn 2019
- 7
- Mid Summer 2019
- 19
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 14
#graptoveria #graptoveria-snowpeach #graptoveriasnowpeach #snowpeach #pruinosesucculent #cesarepark 15.04.18
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 10
Graptoveria Snow Peach - need to find more info on this plant to confirm the sales ID. 15.04.18
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 15
Graptoveria Snow Peach - need to find more info on this plant to confirm the sales ID. 15.04.18
@succerforsucculents - hi Aida, this came form Succulents Australia.
Thanks:) I was just looking thorough their website. Your collection is amazing! How long have you been collecting?
@succerforsucculents - Thank you so much! This is the second time around again for a year after a big break.
#graptoveria #graptoveria-snowpeach #graptoveriasnowpeach #snowpeach #pruinosesucculent 22.04.19