xSedeveria Jet Beads
Sedeveria 'Jet Beads'
Mid Winter 2018
- 3
Late Autumn 2018
- 18
Early Autumn 2018
- 2
Late Summer 2018
- 3
Early Summer 2017
- 2

xSedeveria Jet Beads
Mid Winter 2018
Late Autumn 2018

Aahh, are these hard to find around your area? I heard they're rare and I've only ever seen one before. I had a baby abit smaller than a head on yours and it was growing great until I sprayed for mealies, stem and all just died 😪. Where did you find yours? @Yollymac

I just saw you've had it for a while.. It looks better than ever now 😀

@Succtag - Hey John, I found it originally from a local lady here. They haven’t had many issues, in fact I have grown leaf babies and even deheaded the main plant but also seems slow growing. What area are you from?

Yeah I can agree with slow growing!. North Brisbane QLD

See if MLD Succulents has any.

Omg yes, these guys have been on my Wishlist since forever 😅

@Succtag @NatalieMay93 - did you two want me to go see if that lady near me has more?

Yes please 😁

@Yollymac 😱 yes please 😄
Wish you guys were closer. I've got about a dozen leaf props of this going. Most have rooted but no pups yet.

@Yollymac You won’t believe it but one of my sellers got new stock in last night and she has them! 😱😍👏🏼 yesss

@NatalieMay93 - awesome! Who are they?
Early Autumn 2018
Late Summer 2018
#sedeveria #sedeveria-jetbeads #sedeveriajetbeads #jetbeads #cesarepark 22.07.18
@Yollymac you have an amazing collection of plants 😉👍
@suerichards - thank you very much! 💝