Hibiscus moscheutos 'Kopper King'
Hibiscus 'Kopper King'
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 9
Mid Summer 2017
- 1
Mid Summer 2017
- 0

Hibiscus moscheutos 'Kopper King'
Mid Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2018

Wow! That’s gorgeous 😍

Love that Hybiscus! Sooo pretty. I haven’t been on your profile in a while. Looks like everything is going good. Glad I came across you again!! 😊💕

Thanks. Something is eating the leaves @terrimclaughlin

Gosh just looked at the leaves I forget what those are called @moore.794 knows last year they were eating my spider plant but I think it’s 3tbls. Dish soap to a gallon water shake put in sprayer @moore.794 can correct if I have that wrong that’ll suffocate those darn things and hopefully take care of them. Very pretty 😊💕

I hope someone can tell u what they are but I’m pretty sure the soap and water will do the trick! Let us know 😊💕

They still bloom @terrimclaughlin

Yeah those things seemed to just care about my leaves too. That’s a gorgeous Hybiscus!! There one of my favorites 🤗🤗😊💕

looks like jap beetle damage. they are hard to kill.pick off into soapywater and trash. to make a quart use 1 Tablespoon soap [ not detergent] can use castile soap or ivory bar shavings 1 teaspoon olive oil & warm water. mix gently. do not spray during hot part of day. may cause some leaf damage spray directly on insects & eggs. does not work if not sprayed on insect. @terrimclaughlin @yourturn

Thxs for that information I knew I didn’t have it quite right😊💕
Mid Summer 2017

Very red, not pink
Mid Summer 2017
Wow what a whopper