xGraptoveria Lovely Rose
Graptoveria 'Lovely Rose'
- Early Spring 2018
- 3
- 1
- Late Autumn 2018
- 1
- 5
- Late Autumn 2018
- 1
- 5
xGraptoveria Lovely Rose
- Early Spring 2018
- 3
- Late Autumn 2018
- 1
From the side. About an inch high.
Very nice! I hope you didn’t pay $130 for it! 😱
No. $75! Gosh, now I feel better about how@much I paid for it!!! 🤣😂🤣
How did you manage that? Were they at a show? I paid $20ea for mine.
$20? Oh, now I’m jealous!! It was Garden Story I think. It was just her price. It’s the most expensive plant I’ve bought so far... I nearly died when I saw the size of it!
- Late Autumn 2018
- 1
Spent a fortune on this miniature plant. Any tips on keeping it alive will be gratefully received!!
Watch the water. 😊 And also humidity. I hope you’re not in Qld. Someone I know up there had one and it just melted away with the humidity.
So low water use? I live in south coast NSW, so cooler and not much ch humidity.
You should be right then, I think but still watch the water. I only water once. Week.
@Yollymac - I’ve trained myself to only water anything once per week!! I’ll probably kill something by accidental dehydration!
This one died when I was away for a bit over a week 😢😢