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Mostly growing vegetables and herbs in containers. Always looking to keep growing 🌱🌱 Richmond, Virginia

Capsicum annuum

  • Season Icon Early SpringEarly Spring 2019
  • Like Count 9

Started some #peppers from seed in #eggshell starters.... The bottom two are the only ones that sprouted at first. I'm very proud of myself for figuring out and solving the (apparent) problem on my own. 😀


More details, because I don't often toot my own horn: I noticed that the two that sprouted were planted in particularly deep eggshells. That might've affected how much sun they were getting, but it also probably enabled better moisture retention. I poked through a couple of the "duds" to see if they had changed at all.... And I found that, despite looking wet on the surface, my soil starters were completely dry throughout! I've been watering them much more thoroughly now, and here's the result!
