Actinidia arguta 'Issai'
Hardy Kiwi 'Issai'
Original:Hairless, grape size edible green berry. New:Vigorous climbing plant, best grown on south facing walls, very strong trellises or wires. The stems are twisted with oval shaped green to white leaves in spring and green to pink in summer or can be variegated, the white flowers are fragrant. This is a non fruiting plant grown for the ornamental foliage more than the fruit unless in a sheltered spot away from winds with both a male and female plant when fruit might appear in Autumn.
Contributed by @AurigaFlora
Full sun
Occasional watering
Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)
Moist and free draining
Common name
Hardy Kiwi 'Issai'
Latin name
Actinidia arguta 'Issai'
5.0 - 8.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Actinidia arguta 'Issai'
Original:Hairless, grape size edible green berry. New:Vigorous climbing plant, best grown on south facing walls, very strong trellises or wires. The stems are twisted with oval shaped green to white leaves in spring and green to pink in summer or can be variegated, the white flowers are fragrant. This is a non fruiting plant grown for the ornamental foliage more than the fruit unless in a sheltered spot away from winds with both a male and female plant when fruit might appear in Autumn.
Flowering Season
From Early Summer TO Late Summer
White or pale cream scented flowers.
Planting Outdoors
From Early Spring TO Late Spring
In spring plant container grown plants in a well drained, sunny, sheltered, and deeply fertile sire, this needs to be by a south facing wall or strong, tall trellis.
Propagation by seed
From Late Winter TO Early Spring
Sow seed under glass in late winter/early spring.
Propagation by cuttings
From Mid Spring TO Early Summer
Stem tip or soft wood cuttings are taken in the spring/early summer from this years growth. Cleanly cut just below a leaf joint, up to a 10cm tip, remove lower leaves and pinch out the tip, dip into hormone compound and place them around the edge of a pot filled with cutting compost., water well. Place a plastic bag over the pot to give humidity, the bag must be removed a couple of times a week to ventilate, put the pot in a light spot but avoid direct sunlight.