Alyssum wulfenianum 'Golden Spring'
Madwort 'Golden Spring'
Alyssum wulfenianum (commonly referred to as Madwort or Mountain Alyssum) is a species which forms a low mounding plant of evergreen foliage, with grey-green leaves, and clusters of yellow flowers. It is closely related to Alyssum and is part of the Brassicaceae family. It is native to the South Eastern region of the Alps and it's natural habitat is mountainous rocky cliff faces. It is therefore an ideal to plant in rock gardens or on sloping sights with good drainage. Flowers are generally bright yellow in the spring and summer. 'Golden Spring' is a US bred cultivar and produces a compact plant with yellow flowers.
Contributed by @rockyshores
Full sun
Very little water
Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)
Free draining
Common name
Madwort 'Golden Spring'
Latin name
Alyssum wulfenianum 'Golden Spring'
Herbaceous Perennial
5.0 - 8.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
full grown dimensions
Alyssum wulfenianum 'Golden Spring'
Alyssum wulfenianum (commonly referred to as Madwort or Mountain Alyssum) is a species which forms a low mounding plant of evergreen foliage, with grey-green leaves, and clusters of yellow flowers. It is closely related to Alyssum and is part of the Brassicaceae family. It is native to the South Eastern region of the Alps and it's natural habitat is mountainous rocky cliff faces. It is therefore an ideal to plant in rock gardens or on sloping sights with good drainage. Flowers are generally bright yellow in the spring and summer. 'Golden Spring' is a US bred cultivar and produces a compact plant with yellow flowers.
Planting Outdoors
From Mid Spring TO Late Spring
Container grown plants can be planed out in spring.
Propagation by seed
From Early Autumn TO Late Autumn
In autumn sow seeds under glass.
Propagation by cutting
From Mid Spring TO Early Summer
Take soft wood cuttings in spring to early summer. Cleanly cut up to a 10cm long stems, remove lower leaves and pinch the tip out, dip the stem into rooting hormone, fill a container/pot with suitable compost, make holes around the edge of it and plant the cuttings, water in well, cover with a polythene bag and place somewhere warm, lake the bag off twice a week to air the cuttings. Keep the cuttings moist until well rooted. Harden off when well rooted and pot on into individual pots increasing the airing to let the leaves to develop. Remove rotten, dying or dead cuttings regularly.