Androsace lanuginosa
Woolly Rock Jasmine
A.lanuginosa is a trailing evergreen perennial forming a mat to 45cm wide, composed of loose rosettes of silky, grey-green, ovate leaves. Umbels of bright lilac-pink flowers with brightly coloured red/yellow eyes which appear from mid-simmer on 10cm high stalks.
Contributed by @gardengimp
Full sun
Very little water
Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)
Light and free draining
Common name
Woolly Rock Jasmine
Latin name
Androsace lanuginosa
Alpine perennial
5.6 - 7.0 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
full grown dimensions
Androsace lanuginosa
A.lanuginosa is a trailing evergreen perennial forming a mat to 45cm wide, composed of loose rosettes of silky, grey-green, ovate leaves. Umbels of bright lilac-pink flowers with brightly coloured red/yellow eyes which appear from mid-simmer on 10cm high stalks.
Planting young plants
From Early Spring TO Mid Spring
Young plants are readily available from good nurseries specialising in alpine perennials. Plant on in full sun in light and well drained soil. It does not react well to wet foliage in winter thus any shelter that can be provided over the wetter months will benefit this plant.