Annona Cherimoya syn. annona chirimoya
Apple Custard
Annona Cherimoya is a tropical, fast-growing, deciduous or evergreen tree that can grows naturally at high altitude, in nutritionally poor soil, but cannot grow in shade. It is drought-tolerant, and prefers dry soil. A problem with the cherimoya is inadequate natural pollination because the male and female structures of each flower mature at different times, and few insects visit the flowers. Hand-pollination, therefore, is desirable. This must be done in a 6 - 8 hour period when the stigmas are white and sticky. . The fruit, which are conical, green and rather knobbly, with white flesh, are edible and sweet.
Contributed by @drnicko
Full sun
Occasional watering
Not Frost hardy
Free draining
Common name
Apple Custard
Latin name
Annona Cherimoya syn. annona chirimoya
Deciduous tree
6.0 - 7.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When to harvest
full grown dimensions
Annona Cherimoya syn. annona chirimoya
Annona Cherimoya is a tropical, fast-growing, deciduous or evergreen tree that can grows naturally at high altitude, in nutritionally poor soil, but cannot grow in shade. It is drought-tolerant, and prefers dry soil. A problem with the cherimoya is inadequate natural pollination because the male and female structures of each flower mature at different times, and few insects visit the flowers. Hand-pollination, therefore, is desirable. This must be done in a 6 - 8 hour period when the stigmas are white and sticky. . The fruit, which are conical, green and rather knobbly, with white flesh, are edible and sweet.
From Mid Spring TO Late Spring
Plant in any free-draining soil, in full sun.
Propagating by cuttings
From Late Summer TO Early Autumn
Take semi- ripe cuttings from this season's growth in Autumn. Cut neatly, just below a leaf node, a 5" approx. piece of a healthy shoot that has soft growth at the tip. pinch out the growing tip, and cut off the bottom leaves. Dip the bottom of the cutting in hormone rooting powder, and carefully place in a pot of cutting compost with the leaves just above the level of the compost. Water, label, cover with a polythene bag, and place in a warm, bright place, out of direct sunlight. Take the polythene bag off periodically for a while for ventilation (at least twice a week)