Arenaria Montana
Mountain Sandwort
Low evergreen perennial forming a loose mat to 30cm in width of small rich green elliptic leaves New:Arenaria can be annuals, or mat-forming, evergreen or herbaceous perennials. They have small leaves and simple 5-petalled white flowers in Summer. 'Montana' is a perennial with white flowers in early Summer
Contributed by @neildyas
Full sun to partial shade
Very little water
Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)
Light and free draining
Common name
Mountain Sandwort
Latin name
Arenaria Montana
Herbacious perennial
5.5 - 8.0 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Arenaria Montana
Low evergreen perennial forming a loose mat to 30cm in width of small rich green elliptic leaves New:Arenaria can be annuals, or mat-forming, evergreen or herbaceous perennials. They have small leaves and simple 5-petalled white flowers in Summer. 'Montana' is a perennial with white flowers in early Summer
From Late Spring TO Early Autumn
Arenaria flower in late Spring and earlySummer
From Early Spring TO Mid Spring
Plant in Spring in free-draining soil, in rock-gardens, or border edges. Once established this plant is drought-tolerant
Propagating by division
From Early Spring TO Mid Spring
Plants are easily divided in Spring. Dig up the plant, and pull it apart gently, then replant the sections with roots in to their new positions.