Aruncus aethusifolius syn. Aruncus dioicus var. aethusifolius
Dwarf Goat's beard
Upright clump forming plant with light green, pinnate leaves - leaflets making up each leaf - in mid green bearing tall stems with clusters of small white flowers giving them a feathery look. Aruncus aethusifolius forms a low mound of light green, ferny foliage, bearing short spikes of creamy, white flowers.
Contributed by @cathyh
Full sun to partial shade
Occasional watering
Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)
Moist and fertile
Common name
Dwarf Goat's beard
Latin name
Aruncus aethusifolius syn. Aruncus dioicus var. aethusifolius
Herbaceous Perennials
5.0 - 8.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Aruncus aethusifolius syn. Aruncus dioicus var. aethusifolius
Upright clump forming plant with light green, pinnate leaves - leaflets making up each leaf - in mid green bearing tall stems with clusters of small white flowers giving them a feathery look. Aruncus aethusifolius forms a low mound of light green, ferny foliage, bearing short spikes of creamy, white flowers.
Flowering Season
From Early Summer TO Late Summer
Tall stems that arch with clusters of small white looking flowers giving them a feathery look, blooming from early Summer to late Summer
Propagation by seed in spring
From Early Spring TO Mid Spring
Sow seeds in spring under glass for planting out in Autumn.
Propagation by seed in autumn
From Early Autumn TO Late Summer
Sow seeds in autumn under glass to be planted out in spring the following year.
Planting Outdoors early
From Mid Spring TO Late Spring
Container grown plants can be put into growing position in spring.
Planting Outdoors autumn
From Early Autumn TO Late Autumn
Container grown plants can be put into growing position in autumn.