Aster novi-belgii 'Snow Cushion'
Aster 'Snow Cushion'
Masses of daisy-like, pure white flowers with long, narrow petals and golden-yellow centres form a snowy dome from mid to late summer. This is a long-lived, dwarf perennial with fresh, elongated, mid-green leaves which is best planted in groups about 45cm apart.
Contributed by @Kirkie85
Full sun
Very little water
Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)
Moist and fertile
Common name
Aster 'Snow Cushion'
Latin name
Aster novi-belgii 'Snow Cushion'
Herbaceous Perennials
5.0 - 7.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Aster novi-belgii 'Snow Cushion'
Masses of daisy-like, pure white flowers with long, narrow petals and golden-yellow centres form a snowy dome from mid to late summer. This is a long-lived, dwarf perennial with fresh, elongated, mid-green leaves which is best planted in groups about 45cm apart.
Flowering season
From Early Autumn TO Late Autumn
Flowers appear in early autumn and last through to late autumn. Deadhead to increase flower production
When to plant
From Early Spring TO Mid Summer
Plant container grown plants throughout spring/Summer. Established plants can be divided.
From Mid Spring TO Mid Autumn
Plant in an open sunny site, in soil that is alkaline toslightly acid, fertile and moisture retentive in spring and summer. A.alpinus, A. amellus, A. x frikarti and A.pyrenaeus 'Lutetia' and A.thomsonii 'Nanus' require alkaline soils and good winter drainage. Plant out autumn flowering asters in mid or late spring and spring flowering asters in mid-autumn or early spring.
Propagation by division.
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
After approximately three years, once herbaceous perennial varieties have become established clumps they should be divided in order to retain vigour. Many herbaceous plants can be divided in autumn, but spring may be the safer option just as they are starting into growth. Autumn division may result in the loss of smaller divisions if a cold, wet winter follows. The simplest method is to carefully dig around the clump and gently pull it apart into fist sized pieces and re-plant immediately. The middle of the original clump should be discarded as this will have lost vigour and become woody.
From Mid Spring TO Mid Autumn
Most asters flower in late Summer and Autumn, with Michaelmas daisies being the later flowering varieties. There are some alpine varieties that bloom in Spring