Barbarea Verna
Land Cress
Land Cress can be grown as a salad leaf vegetable, or as a substitute for Watercress. As it is hardy,it can be grown through Winter if protected (by covering with a cloche, for example). Land Cress needs plenty of moisture, and cool, part-shaded conditions.
Contributed by @urbangardener
Partial shade
Frequent watering
Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)
Moist and rich
Common name
Land Cress
Latin name
Barbarea Verna
5.5 - 8.0 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When to harvest
full grown dimensions
Barbarea Verna
Land Cress can be grown as a salad leaf vegetable, or as a substitute for Watercress. As it is hardy,it can be grown through Winter if protected (by covering with a cloche, for example). Land Cress needs plenty of moisture, and cool, part-shaded conditions.
Propagating by seed
From Mid Spring TO Early Autumn
Sow seeds outdoors from mid Spring to early Autumn. Sow seeds thinly 0.5" deep in rows 6" apart in moist soil in a shady, or part-shady position.
Propagating by seed for Winter use
From Late Summer TO Early Autumn
Sow seeds thinly 0.5" deep in rows 12" apart from late Summer to early Autumn for Winter harvesting. Protect the seedlings by covering with a cloche (or growing them in a cold greenhouse)
From Early Summer TO Early Autumn
Plant out seedlings, after hardening them, 2" apart in rows 6" apart in moist soil in partial shade.