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Swan River Daisy Bravo (Mix) in the GardenTags plant encyclopedia

Brachyscome Iberidifolia 'Bravo'


Swan River Daisy 'Bravo' (Mix)

A bushy or spreading annual with finely divided, grey-green leaves and daisy- like flowers in Summer. Good for borders, hanging baskets, or tubs. 'Bravo' is a mix of white, blue and purple coloured flowers

Contributed by @bluefox23

plant Features
  • Swan River Daisy Bravo (Mix) likes full sun to partial shade

    Full sun to partial shade

  • Swan River Daisy Bravo (Mix) likes occasional watering

    Occasional watering

  • Swan River Daisy Bravo (Mix) is a little frost hardy: 32f (0°c)

    A little frost hardy: 32F (0°C)

  • Swan River Daisy Bravo (Mix) likes free draining

    Free draining

plant information

Common name

Swan River Daisy 'Bravo' (Mix)

Latin name

Brachyscome Iberidifolia 'Bravo'


Half hardy annual




6.0 - 8.0 Acid - Neutral

  • Light

    Swan River Daisy Bravo (Mix) likes full sun to partial shade

    Full sun to partial shade

  • Frost

    Swan River Daisy Bravo (Mix) is a little frost hardy: 32f (0°c)

    A little frost hardy: 32F (0°C)

  • Soil

    Swan River Daisy Bravo (Mix) likes free draining

    Free draining

  • Water

    Swan River Daisy Bravo (Mix) likes occasional watering

    Occasional watering

Plant & bloom calendar

    Best time to plant
    When the plant will bloom

full grown dimensions

The size of a fully grown Swan River Daisy Bravo (Mix) is 0.35meters x 0.30meters 0.35 M 0.30 M

Brachyscome Iberidifolia 'Bravo'

A bushy or spreading annual with finely divided, grey-green leaves and daisy- like flowers in Summer. Good for borders, hanging baskets, or tubs. 'Bravo' is a mix of white, blue and purple coloured flowers

Planting Outdoors

From Mid Spring TO Late Spring

Plant container grown plants after all danger of frost has gone, mid to late Spring.



From Early Summer TO Early Autumn

Flowers come in a range of blues, pinks and purple shades. Blooming from from early Summer to early Autumn


Propagation by seed

From Early Spring TO Early Summer

Sow seed under glass with heat in earl Spring, and successionally to prolong the flowering season. Sow outdoors when the risk of frost has passed.

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