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Sego Lily in the GardenTags plant encyclopedia

Calochortus nuttallii


Sego Lily

Calochortus nuttallii, with the common name sego lily, is a bulbous perennial. Plants have 1 to 4 flowers, each with 3 white petals (and 3 sepals) which are tinged with lilac and have a purplish band radiating from the yellow base. The plant blooms in early summer, with flowers that can be up to 3 inches across. It prefers a deep, sandy soil with good drainage, and is cold-hardy. Plants can be propagated from newly formed bulblets which take two years to flower.

plant Features
  • Sego Lily likes full sun to partial shade

    Full sun to partial shade

  • Sego Lily likes very little water

    Very little water

  • Sego Lily is frost hardy: 23f (-5°c)

    Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)

  • Sego Lily likes light and free draining

    Light and free draining

plant information

Common name

Sego Lily

Latin name

Calochortus nuttallii






5.0 - 7.5 Acid - Neutral

  • Light

    Sego Lily likes full sun to partial shade

    Full sun to partial shade

  • Frost

    Sego Lily is frost hardy: 23f (-5°c)

    Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)

  • Soil

    Sego Lily likes light and free draining

    Light and free draining

  • Water

    Sego Lily likes very little water

    Very little water

Plant & bloom calendar

    Best time to plant

full grown dimensions

The size of a fully grown Sego Lily is 0.15meters x 0.45meters 0.15 M 0.45 M

Calochortus nuttallii

Calochortus nuttallii, with the common name sego lily, is a bulbous perennial. Plants have 1 to 4 flowers, each with 3 white petals (and 3 sepals) which are tinged with lilac and have a purplish band radiating from the yellow base. The plant blooms in early summer, with flowers that can be up to 3 inches across. It prefers a deep, sandy soil with good drainage, and is cold-hardy. Plants can be propagated from newly formed bulblets which take two years to flower.

Planting Outdoors Spring

From Late Autumn TO Early Winter

Plant bulbs in a deep, sandy soil with good drainage, in full sun to partial shade. Mass planting is advised for best effect. Plants can be propagated from newly formed bulblets which take two years to flower.

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