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Spotted Knapweed  in the GardenTags plant encyclopedia

Centaurea maculosa


Spotted Knapweed

Centaurea maculosa, the spotted knapweed, is a species of Centaurea native to eastern Europe. This short-lived perennial usually has a stout taproot, pubescent stems with wooly or cobwebby hairs when young. The erect or ascending plant stems can reach 20-150 cm in height. Spotted knapweed grows on stream banks, pond shorelines, sand prairies, old fields and pastures, roadsides, and along railroads, and many open, disturbed areas. Spotted knapweed is considered an invasive species in countries like the United States and Canada. It is a pioneer species found in recently disturbed sites or openings. Once it has been established in a disturbed area, it will continue to spread into the surrounding habitat. 

plant Features
  • Spotted Knapweed  likes full sun to partial shade

    Full sun to partial shade

  • Spotted Knapweed  likes occasional watering

    Occasional watering

  • Spotted Knapweed  is full frost hardy: 5f (-15°c)

    Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)

  • Spotted Knapweed  likes all soil conditions

    All soil conditions

plant information

Common name

Spotted Knapweed

Latin name

Centaurea maculosa






6.0 - 8.0 Acid - Neutral

  • Light

    Spotted Knapweed  likes full sun to partial shade

    Full sun to partial shade

  • Frost

    Spotted Knapweed  is full frost hardy: 5f (-15°c)

    Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)

  • Soil

    Spotted Knapweed  likes all soil conditions

    All soil conditions

  • Water

    Spotted Knapweed  likes occasional watering

    Occasional watering

Plant & bloom calendar

    Best time to plant
    When the plant will bloom

full grown dimensions

The size of a fully grown Spotted Knapweed  is 1.50meters x 1.50meters 1.50 M 1.50 M

Centaurea maculosa

Centaurea maculosa, the spotted knapweed, is a species of Centaurea native to eastern Europe. This short-lived perennial usually has a stout taproot, pubescent stems with wooly or cobwebby hairs when young. The erect or ascending plant stems can reach 20-150 cm in height. Spotted knapweed grows on stream banks, pond shorelines, sand prairies, old fields and pastures, roadsides, and along railroads, and many open, disturbed areas. Spotted knapweed is considered an invasive species in countries like the United States and Canada. It is a pioneer species found in recently disturbed sites or openings. Once it has been established in a disturbed area, it will continue to spread into the surrounding habitat. 

Plant in Beds

From Early Spring TO Late Spring

Plant within contained areas where they will not disturb the growth of other plants. Seeds can be buried an inch below the soil surface. Water occasionally until established.


Summer Blooms

From Late Spring TO Late Summer

Flowers emerge each year during the summertime months. Blooms will be purple, later transforming into a white seedhead much like a dandelion.

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