Chrysanthemum carinatum 'Rainbow Mix'
Rainbow Chrysanthemum
One of the most cheerful and easy to grow annual seed mixtures, Rainbow Mixed is ideal for filling gaps in borders, flowering quickly from seed, usually in only 12 weeks or less from sowing. The bright, bold single blooms are attractive to butterflies, bees and other beneficial insects. With their long, strong stems, they also make very good cut flowers. It is likely this species originated in Morocco.
Contributed by @enokavfc
Full sun
Very little water
Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)
Free draining and fertile
Common name
Rainbow Chrysanthemum
Latin name
Chrysanthemum carinatum 'Rainbow Mix'
5.0 - 8.0 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Chrysanthemum carinatum 'Rainbow Mix'
One of the most cheerful and easy to grow annual seed mixtures, Rainbow Mixed is ideal for filling gaps in borders, flowering quickly from seed, usually in only 12 weeks or less from sowing. The bright, bold single blooms are attractive to butterflies, bees and other beneficial insects. With their long, strong stems, they also make very good cut flowers. It is likely this species originated in Morocco.
From Early Spring TO Early Summer
Plant garden varieties in late spring once risk of frost has passed. Plant in any fertile, well drained garden soil in full sun. For florists' varieties, early flowering outdoor types, plant rooted cuttings in potting compost in a 10cm deep box and move it to a cold frame in mid spring to harden off. Move to a growing postion in full sun in late spring, watering in well. For planting of late flowering indoor varieties, this depends upon when the cuttings were rooted. For cuttings rooted by mid-spring, pot into 9cm pots and move to 13cm pots 4 weeks later. Pot cuttings rooted in late spring into 9cm pots and these can be moved to 25cm pots in early summer. Stop plants raised from cuttings taken in early or mid-spring about 10 days after final potting. Allow up to 9 shoots per plant. Plants taken from cuttings in late spring should be stopped and up to 5 of the resulting side-shoots retained per plant. For pot plants, pot in the same way as late flowering indoor florists' varieties.
From Early Spring TO Mid Spring
All chrysanthemums can be propagated by cuttings taken from the stool - the cluster of shoots that arise from the rootstock at the base of the plant. Dip the bottom half inch of the cutting in rooting hormone powder and insert in pots containing a mix of half peat and half sand. Water in thoroughly and provide a bottom temperature of at least 15C. Cover with polythene untill they have rooted which can take 3 weeks.
From Late Summer TO Mid Autumn
Chrysanthemums flower from late Summer through to mid Autumn