Cosmos 'Rose Bon Bon'
Cosmea 'Rose Bon Bon'
Cosmos are half-hardy annuals which flower in summer to early autumn until the first frosts. Brightly coloured, saucer shaped flowers are numerous and daisy-like and sit above deeply cut, fern-like foliage. 'Rose Bon Bon' is a double variety, powder pink in colour, and not as tall as some varieties.
Contributed by @hlt
Full sun
Very little water
Not Frost hardy
Free draining and fertile
Common name
Cosmea 'Rose Bon Bon'
Latin name
Cosmos 'Rose Bon Bon'
6.6 - 7.8 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Cosmos 'Rose Bon Bon'
Cosmos are half-hardy annuals which flower in summer to early autumn until the first frosts. Brightly coloured, saucer shaped flowers are numerous and daisy-like and sit above deeply cut, fern-like foliage. 'Rose Bon Bon' is a double variety, powder pink in colour, and not as tall as some varieties.
From Mid Summer TO Mid Autumn
Flowering season is from mid summer to the first frosts
From Late Spring TO Early Summer
Plants can be put into the flowering position as soon as all frosts have gone
Propagating by seed
From Early Spring TO Mid Spring
Seeds can be sown in trays of compost in early Spring, to be put out when all frosts have gone