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Zucchini Spineless Beauty in the GardenTags plant encyclopedia

Cucurbita pepo var. Cylindrica 'Spineless Beauty'


Zucchini 'Spineless Beauty'

Strictly speaking fruit, not vegetables (as they contain seeds), courgettes are immature marrows. They are a low growing, spreading plant, that can produce up to 30 fruits and carry on fruiting until the first frost. They benefit from lots of organic matter added to the planting position. 'Spineless Beauty' is, as the name suggests, a spineless cultivar. From only 43 days from sowing, the fruits can be harvested without arms being scratched by thorns! The plant bears good yields of medium green, uniform fruits, around 8½" long

Contributed by @jennlamaye

plant Features
  • Zucchini Spineless Beauty likes full sun

    Full sun

  • Zucchini Spineless Beauty likes frequent watering

    Frequent watering

  • Zucchini Spineless Beauty is not frost hardy

    Not Frost hardy

  • Zucchini Spineless Beauty likes moist and fertile

    Moist and fertile

plant information

Common name

Zucchini 'Spineless Beauty'

Latin name

Cucurbita pepo var. Cylindrica 'Spineless Beauty'






5.5 - 6.8 Acid - Neutral

  • Light

    Zucchini Spineless Beauty likes full sun

    Full sun

  • Frost

    Zucchini Spineless Beauty is not frost hardy

    Not Frost hardy

  • Soil

    Zucchini Spineless Beauty likes moist and fertile

    Moist and fertile

  • Water

    Zucchini Spineless Beauty likes frequent watering

    Frequent watering

Plant & bloom calendar

    Best time to plant
    When to harvest

full grown dimensions

The size of a fully grown Zucchini Spineless Beauty is 1.00meters x 0.35meters 1.00 M 0.35 M

Cucurbita pepo var. Cylindrica 'Spineless Beauty'

Strictly speaking fruit, not vegetables (as they contain seeds), courgettes are immature marrows. They are a low growing, spreading plant, that can produce up to 30 fruits and carry on fruiting until the first frost. They benefit from lots of organic matter added to the planting position. 'Spineless Beauty' is, as the name suggests, a spineless cultivar. From only 43 days from sowing, the fruits can be harvested without arms being scratched by thorns! The plant bears good yields of medium green, uniform fruits, around 8½" long

Propagating by seed

From Early Spring TO Late Spring

Prepare a bed or hill in a sunny site where the soil is fertile. Make planting pockets 3' apart by digging a hole a spade-depth, width and height, and filling with compost and well-rotted manure, then sow a seed on edge in each pocket. at a depth of about 1" after all danger of frost has passed.. Or sow the seeds singly in pots in the greenhouse, and plant out after they have their first true leaves



From Mid Spring TO Early Summer

After seeds grown indoors have their first true leaves, and after all danger of frost has passed, plant the seedlings out into a prepared bed or hill that has been well-manured, at a spacing of about 3' for bush types, and 5' for trailing types.

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