Cyathea cooperi syn. Alsophila cooperi
Australian Tree Fern
Cyathea are evergreen tree ferns. The rhizome forms a trunk, covered in fibrous roots, that bears large, fronds, pinnately divided, with scaly stalks, in a rosette at the top. May be deciduous in cooler areas. Cyathea cooperi is a fast-growing tree fern with a slender stem, and which has long green fronds (up to 4m. long)
Contributed by @Beautifulspace
Partial shade
Occasional watering
Not Frost hardy
Moist and free draining
Common name
Australian Tree Fern
Latin name
Cyathea cooperi syn. Alsophila cooperi
Tree Fern
5.5 - 7.3 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
full grown dimensions
Cyathea cooperi syn. Alsophila cooperi
Cyathea are evergreen tree ferns. The rhizome forms a trunk, covered in fibrous roots, that bears large, fronds, pinnately divided, with scaly stalks, in a rosette at the top. May be deciduous in cooler areas. Cyathea cooperi is a fast-growing tree fern with a slender stem, and which has long green fronds (up to 4m. long)
From Early Spring TO Late Spring
In areas where frost is a risk, grow in a container under glass with a minimum Winter temperature of 10°C. The plant can be moved outside during the Summer months, in a sheltered and partially-shaded spot, in moist, humus-rich soil.