Dahlia 'Piccolo Mix'
Dahlia 'Piccolo Mix'
Piccolo dahlias are small in size. They form a group that look good in a small or medium-sized garden. Single flowered blooms in various colours. Sow in a greenhouse or later in the final spot of the garden, when there is no more risk of frost.
Contributed by @heather66
Full sun
Frequent watering
Not Frost hardy
Rich and free draining
Common name
Dahlia 'Piccolo Mix'
Latin name
Dahlia 'Piccolo Mix'
5.0 - 7.0 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Dahlia 'Piccolo Mix'
Piccolo dahlias are small in size. They form a group that look good in a small or medium-sized garden. Single flowered blooms in various colours. Sow in a greenhouse or later in the final spot of the garden, when there is no more risk of frost.
Flowering Season
From Mid Summer TO Mid Autumn
Bedding dahlia will flower from early mid-summer through to autum or the arrival of the first frost. The season can be prolonged by regular dead heading.
Propogation by seed
From Late Winter TO Early Spring
Sow seeds under glass during late winter in boxes of seed compost. Germinate at a temperature of 16C. Prick off the seedlings when large enough to handle, first into boxes and then into 3 inch pots. Harden the young plants off in a cold frame from early spring onwards then plant out in late spring or when danger of frost is over.
Planting bedding Dahlia
From Mid Spring TO Late Spring
Don’t be in a hurry to plant; dahlias will struggle in cold soil. Ground temperature should reach 60°F. Wait until all danger of spring frost is past before planting. Don’t be in a hurry to plant; dahlias will struggle in cold soil. Ground temperature should reach 60°F. Wait until all danger of spring frost is past before planting.