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Royal Poinciana in the GardenTags plant encyclopedia

Delonix regia


Royal Poinciana

Delonix regia is mostly grown for its ornamental fern-like leaves and colourful display of flowers. In English it is commonly named royal poinciana. It is also one of several trees known as Flame tree. The royal poinciana requires a tropical or near-tropical condition but can tolerate drought. It prefers an open, free-draining soil enriched with organic matter. The tree flowers more profusely when kept slightly dry.

Contributed by @BermudaWineGeek

plant Features
  • Royal Poinciana likes full sun

    Full sun

  • Royal Poinciana likes very little water

    Very little water

  • Royal Poinciana is not frost hardy

    Not Frost hardy

  • Royal Poinciana likes light and free draining

    Light and free draining

plant information

Common name

Royal Poinciana

Latin name

Delonix regia






5.0 - 7.5 Acid - Neutral

  • Light

    Royal Poinciana likes full sun

    Full sun

  • Frost

    Royal Poinciana is not frost hardy

    Not Frost hardy

  • Soil

    Royal Poinciana likes light and free draining

    Light and free draining

  • Water

    Royal Poinciana likes very little water

    Very little water

Plant & bloom calendar

    Best time to plant
    When the plant will bloom

full grown dimensions

The size of a fully grown Royal Poinciana is 8.00meters x 8.00meters 8.00 M 8.00 M

Delonix regia

Delonix regia is mostly grown for its ornamental fern-like leaves and colourful display of flowers. In English it is commonly named royal poinciana. It is also one of several trees known as Flame tree. The royal poinciana requires a tropical or near-tropical condition but can tolerate drought. It prefers an open, free-draining soil enriched with organic matter. The tree flowers more profusely when kept slightly dry.


From Early Spring TO Early Spring

Flame trees perform best in large, open spaces and full sunlight. Plant the tree in a big landscape where it has room to spread; the roots are sturdy enough to lift asphalt.


Flowering Season

From Early Spring TO Early Summer

Also known as royal Poinciana or flamboyant tree, flame tree is one of the world’s most colorful trees. Every spring, the tree produces clusters of long-lasting, orange-red blooms with yellow, burgundy or white markings. Each bloom, which measures up to 5 inches across, displays five spoon-shaped petals.

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