Dianthus interspecific 'Jolt Cherry'
Dianthus 'Jolt Cherry'
Jolt Cherry Dianthus produce blooms that are deep vibrant cherry red. The Jolt series is highly durable and will withstand hot summer conditions and remain in flower with few disease issues. Large red flower heads bloom over strong dark green foliage on well-branched plants.
Contributed by @ofthought
Full sun
Very little water
Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)
Free draining
Common name
Dianthus 'Jolt Cherry'
Latin name
Dianthus interspecific 'Jolt Cherry'
7.0 - 8.0 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Dianthus interspecific 'Jolt Cherry'
Jolt Cherry Dianthus produce blooms that are deep vibrant cherry red. The Jolt series is highly durable and will withstand hot summer conditions and remain in flower with few disease issues. Large red flower heads bloom over strong dark green foliage on well-branched plants.
Flowering Season
From Mid Summer TO Early Autumn
Dianthus generally bloom from mid-summer, through to early autumn.
Planting Outdoors
From Early Spring TO Mid Spring
Plant container grown plants out in full sun in a light, free draining soil.
Propagation by seed in spring
From Late Winter TO Late Spring
Sow seed under glass in late winter or early spring at a temperature of 13C. Prick out seedlings and plant in late spring to flower during summer.
Propagation by seed in spring
From Mid Spring TO Late Spring
Sow seeds in open ground in mid spring, moving to flowering position in mid autumn where the plants will bloom early the following year.
Propagation by seed in autumn
From Early Autumn TO Early Winter
Sow seeds of the species in autumn or early winter in pots in a coldframe