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Globe Thistle (Species) Viscous Globe Thistle in the GardenTags plant encyclopedia

Echinops spinosissimus


Globe Thistle (Species) Viscous Globe Thistle

Echinops can be annuals, perennials or biennials. The ball shaped flowers can vary in size according to the variety, the flowers can be white or pale to deep blue, often with a gleaming metallic shine. They are very prickly and attractive to bees, butterflies and other insects. Echinops spinosissimus is a species Echinops with glacous green silvery foliage, and thistle like white flowers.

Contributed by @richard.spicer.7906

plant Features
  • Globe Thistle (Species) Viscous Globe Thistle likes full sun

    Full sun

  • Globe Thistle (Species) Viscous Globe Thistle likes very little water

    Very little water

  • Globe Thistle (Species) Viscous Globe Thistle is a little frost hardy: 32f (0°c)

    A little frost hardy: 32F (0°C)

  • Globe Thistle (Species) Viscous Globe Thistle likes free draining

    Free draining

plant information

Common name

Globe Thistle (Species) Viscous Globe Thistle

Latin name

Echinops spinosissimus


Herbaceous Perennials




5.0 - 8.5 Acid - Neutral

  • Light

    Globe Thistle (Species) Viscous Globe Thistle likes full sun

    Full sun

  • Frost

    Globe Thistle (Species) Viscous Globe Thistle is a little frost hardy: 32f (0°c)

    A little frost hardy: 32F (0°C)

  • Soil

    Globe Thistle (Species) Viscous Globe Thistle likes free draining

    Free draining

  • Water

    Globe Thistle (Species) Viscous Globe Thistle likes very little water

    Very little water

Plant & bloom calendar

    Best time to plant
    When the plant will bloom

full grown dimensions

The size of a fully grown Globe Thistle (Species) Viscous Globe Thistle is 0.40meters x 0.60meters 0.40 M 0.60 M

Echinops spinosissimus

Echinops can be annuals, perennials or biennials. The ball shaped flowers can vary in size according to the variety, the flowers can be white or pale to deep blue, often with a gleaming metallic shine. They are very prickly and attractive to bees, butterflies and other insects. Echinops spinosissimus is a species Echinops with glacous green silvery foliage, and thistle like white flowers.

Flowering season

From Early Summer TO Late Summer

Tight globes of deep blue flowers. Flowers in summer.


Planting outdoors

From Early Spring TO Mid Spring

Plant container grown plants in spring, they prefer a well drained poor soil and do best in full sun.


Propagation by root cuttings.

From Late Autumn TO Mid Winter

Carefully lift the plant out of the ground, do not to damage its roots. Rinse the roots in water to remove all soil. With a sharp knife, take off 5cm lengths of pencil thin roots. Fill pots with compost to which grit has been added, lay the cuttings, spaced out, on top. Cover with a thin layer of compost. Water well, label pots and place in a in a cold frame or somewhere cool indoors. Replant the parent plant.


Propagation by seed

From Early Spring TO Mid Spring

Plant in outside in permanent position in prepared ground, thin as required.

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