Echium 'Pink Fountain'
Viper's Bugloss 'Pink Fountain'
'Pink Fountain' A hybrid between E. wildpretii x E. pininana. It produces dense panicles of pink flowers borne above branches of dusty linear leaves. The rosettes of large leaves are attractive and the flower spire grows to between one to three metres tall when grown in mild areas so it is worth waiting for.
Contributed by @inlove
Full sun to partial shade
Occasional watering
A little frost hardy: 32F (0°C)
Light and free draining
Common name
Viper's Bugloss 'Pink Fountain'
Latin name
Echium 'Pink Fountain'
5.0 - 7.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Echium 'Pink Fountain'
'Pink Fountain' A hybrid between E. wildpretii x E. pininana. It produces dense panicles of pink flowers borne above branches of dusty linear leaves. The rosettes of large leaves are attractive and the flower spire grows to between one to three metres tall when grown in mild areas so it is worth waiting for.
Flowering Season
From Early Summer TO Late Summer
Flowers appear on established plants from early summer through to late summer.
Planting Outdoors Spring
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
Present pot grown young plants to their flowering site in early spring when temperatures exceed 10C.
Propogation by seed
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
Sow the seeds in flowering site in early spring or under glass in autumn, thinning out the seedlings in spring.