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Euryops in the GardenTags plant encyclopedia

Euryops Virgineus



Euryops can be annuals, herbaceous perennials, evergreen, sub-shrubs or shrubs. They have with simple or divided ferny, silvery leaves and daisy-like flowers-heads. Euryops Virgineus can tolerate almost any soil conditions. It is fast-growing, and bears yellow, daisy-like flowers, and is very hardy

Contributed by @tal2lifshitz

plant Features
  • Euryops likes full sun

    Full sun

  • Euryops likes occasional watering

    Occasional watering

  • Euryops is frost hardy: 23f (-5°c)

    Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)

  • Euryops likes free draining

    Free draining

plant information

Common name


Latin name

Euryops Virgineus






5.5 - 8.5 Acid - Neutral

  • Light

    Euryops likes full sun

    Full sun

  • Frost

    Euryops is frost hardy: 23f (-5°c)

    Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)

  • Soil

    Euryops likes free draining

    Free draining

  • Water

    Euryops likes occasional watering

    Occasional watering

Plant & bloom calendar

    Best time to plant
    When the plant will bloom

full grown dimensions

The size of a fully grown Euryops is 1.00meters x 1.50meters 1.00 M 1.50 M

Euryops Virgineus

Euryops can be annuals, herbaceous perennials, evergreen, sub-shrubs or shrubs. They have with simple or divided ferny, silvery leaves and daisy-like flowers-heads. Euryops Virgineus can tolerate almost any soil conditions. It is fast-growing, and bears yellow, daisy-like flowers, and is very hardy


From Early Summer TO Early Winter

Euryops have a long flowering season, from early Summer through to Winter. As a South African native, the plant will need to be brought indoors for overwintering in cooler climes - where it will continue to flower


Propagating by seed

From Early Spring TO Mid Spring

Propagate by seed at a temperature of 10 to 13 °C. Sow seeds in Spring, and plant out seedlings into loam-based compost with some sharp sand added. Water well.


Planting out

From Mid Spring TO Late Spring

Plant out seedlings when big enough to handle, into loam-based compost with some sharp sand added to it, and water well. In frost-free areas plant outdoors into fertile free-draining soil in a sheltered sunny position.


Propagating by cuttings

From Late Spring TO Early Summer

Take softwood cuttings from new growth early in the day in Spring or early Summer. Cut, neatly, a 4" approx. piece of a non-flowering shoot, pinch out the tip, and cut off the bottom leaves. Dip the bottom of the cutting in hormone rooting powder, and carefully place in a pot of cutting compost with the leaves just above the level of the compost. Water, label, cover with a polythene bag, and place in a warm, bright place, out of direct sunlight. Take the polythene bag off periodically for a while for ventilation (at least twice a week)

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