Fargesia 'nitida'
Chinese Fountain Bamboo
This is an upright form of Fountain Bamboo with canes that arch at the top to give a rather graceful appearance. New canes are green and turn a deep purple as the plant matures. It is perfect for using as an informal hedge in a partially shaded position.
Contributed by @valjones-hughes
Partial shade
Occasional watering
Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)
Rich and free draining
Common name
Chinese Fountain Bamboo
Latin name
Fargesia 'nitida'
7.0 - 8.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
full grown dimensions
Fargesia 'nitida'
This is an upright form of Fountain Bamboo with canes that arch at the top to give a rather graceful appearance. New canes are green and turn a deep purple as the plant matures. It is perfect for using as an informal hedge in a partially shaded position.
Planting Outdoors Spring
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
Plant in spring so that the food reserves in the rhizome are used to produce a good flush of fresh canes in summer.
Planting in a container
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
New bamboo plants or divisions can be contained within a physical barrier to prevent them spreading through beds and borders. Ensure that bamboo plants in containers do not dry out in winter, since the foliage is prone to wind scorch. In very cold weather, insulate containers with bubble wrap or move them to frost-free conditions.