Ficus carica 'Desert King'
Fig 'Desert King'
Ficus carica is known as the common fig. It has been cultivated since ancient times, and is now widely grown throughout the temperate world, both for its fruit and as an ornamental plant. ‘Desert King’ produces a large early crop of figs. The first crop is called the breba crop where the figs form on the mature wood from last year’s growth. This crop ripens in mid-summer, while the second crop ripens in late summer. The yellowish-green figs are larger than most other figs. This variety does well in cooler climates where intense summer heat is often absent.
Contributed by @PiBo
Full sun
Occasional watering
Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)
Free draining and fertile
Common name
Fig 'Desert King'
Latin name
Ficus carica 'Desert King'
Deciduous trees or shrubs
5.0 - 7.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When to harvest
full grown dimensions
Ficus carica 'Desert King'
Ficus carica is known as the common fig. It has been cultivated since ancient times, and is now widely grown throughout the temperate world, both for its fruit and as an ornamental plant. ‘Desert King’ produces a large early crop of figs. The first crop is called the breba crop where the figs form on the mature wood from last year’s growth. This crop ripens in mid-summer, while the second crop ripens in late summer. The yellowish-green figs are larger than most other figs. This variety does well in cooler climates where intense summer heat is often absent.
Propogation by cuttings
From Early Spring TO Mid Spring
Before the tree starts growth, cut 15–25 cm (6–10 inch) shoots that have healthy buds at their ends, and set into a moist mix of soil and peat-moss located in shade in first time, buried 3/4 of their length. Larger diameter stems are better. Grow one year in a nursery, in a pot or in-ground spaced one foot apart, till winter. Before the plant starts growth, plant it in the desired final location.
Propogation by layering
From Early Spring TO Mid Spring
An alternative propagation method is bending over a taller branch, scratching the bark to reveal the green inner bark, then pinning the scratched area tightly to the ground. Within a few weeks, roots will develop and the branch can be clipped from the mother plant and transplanted where desired.
Planting Outdoors Spring
From Early Spring TO Early Spring
The fig likes dry sunny sites, the soil dry or drained. Excessive growth has to be limited to promote the fruiting. It thrives in both sandy and rocky soil. As the sun is really important it is better to avoid shades. To encourage good fruit crops, it is best to restrict the roots thus if planting outdoors, dig a hole 3 ft square and line it with bricks or, sink the plant in a 12 inch pot directly into the ground. This should be lifted every couple of years and any roots growing through the drain holes should be pruned.