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Gasteria Green Giant in the GardenTags plant encyclopedia

Gasteria Green Giant


Gasteria 'Green Giant'

Original:Gasteria Batesiana x Aloe Aristata Much like Aloes and Haworthias they prefer light shade and occasional watering. Well draining soil is best and has a summer growing period. These grow into mounds much like it's relatives. New:Gasterias are recognisable from their thick, hard, succulent "tongue-shaped" leaves. Gasteria are grown in well-drained, sandy soils in light shade. They can be propagated by off-sets and cuttings. They are also commonly propagated by seed. Germination usually occurs within 8 days but may take as long as one month, depending on the species.

plant Features
  • Gasteria Green Giant likes partial shade

    Partial shade

  • Gasteria Green Giant likes very little water

    Very little water

  • Gasteria Green Giant is a little frost hardy: 32f (0°c)

    A little frost hardy: 32F (0°C)

  • Gasteria Green Giant likes light and free draining

    Light and free draining

plant information

Common name

Gasteria 'Green Giant'

Latin name

Gasteria Green Giant






5.0 - 7.0 Acid - Neutral

  • Light

    Gasteria Green Giant likes partial shade

    Partial shade

  • Frost

    Gasteria Green Giant is a little frost hardy: 32f (0°c)

    A little frost hardy: 32F (0°C)

  • Soil

    Gasteria Green Giant likes light and free draining

    Light and free draining

  • Water

    Gasteria Green Giant likes very little water

    Very little water

Plant & bloom calendar

    Best time to plant

full grown dimensions

The size of a fully grown Gasteria Green Giant is 0.30meters x 0.30meters 0.30 M 0.30 M

Gasteria Green Giant

Original:Gasteria Batesiana x Aloe Aristata Much like Aloes and Haworthias they prefer light shade and occasional watering. Well draining soil is best and has a summer growing period. These grow into mounds much like it's relatives. New:Gasterias are recognisable from their thick, hard, succulent "tongue-shaped" leaves. Gasteria are grown in well-drained, sandy soils in light shade. They can be propagated by off-sets and cuttings. They are also commonly propagated by seed. Germination usually occurs within 8 days but may take as long as one month, depending on the species.


From Early Spring TO Late Winter

To propagate by leaf cuttings, remove a leaf and let it lie for about one month (e.g. in a cool window sill), giving the wound time to heal. Then lay the leaf on its side with the basal part buried in the soil. This leaf should root within a month or two, and small plants will form at the leaf base. Young plants can be harvested the following season. They can also grown from seed. Seed should be sown during summer in sandy well drained soil and preferably protected from full sun. The seedlings are slow growing and can be planted out in small containers when they are large enough to handle. The soil should preferably be enriched with compost. They react very well to a liquid organic fertilizer.


Planting young plants

From Early Spring TO Late Summer

Gasteria need light shade to shade, but will take full sun part of the day. (with some sun exposure the leaf develops a nice reddish tint and remain compact) They are tolerant of a wide range of soils and habitats, but prefer a very porous potting mix to increase drainage.

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