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Crimson Flag Lily Jennifer in the GardenTags plant encyclopedia

Hesperantha coccinea 'Jennifer' syn. Schizostylis coccinea 'Jennifer'


Crimson Flag Lily 'Jennifer'

Hesperantha, previously known as Schizostylis, is a group of low level rhizomatous plants that mostly originate from South Africa. The species Hesperantha coccinea typically has red flowers with sword like green foliage, however many cultivars are now available and are suitable for herbaceous and mixed borders and come in varying colours now of red, pink and white. They can also be planted in pots. It is late flowering. It is also good as a cut flower in a mixed arrangement. 'Jennifer' has pale pink flowers.

Contributed by @hcmtm

plant Features
  • Crimson Flag Lily Jennifer likes partial shade

    Partial shade

  • Crimson Flag Lily Jennifer likes occasional watering

    Occasional watering

  • Crimson Flag Lily Jennifer is frost hardy: 23f (-5°c)

    Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)

  • Crimson Flag Lily Jennifer likes moist and fertile

    Moist and fertile

plant information

Common name

Crimson Flag Lily 'Jennifer'

Latin name

Hesperantha coccinea 'Jennifer' syn. Schizostylis coccinea 'Jennifer'


Rhizomatous perennial




5.0 - 7.5 Acid - Neutral

  • Light

    Crimson Flag Lily Jennifer likes partial shade

    Partial shade

  • Frost

    Crimson Flag Lily Jennifer is frost hardy: 23f (-5°c)

    Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)

  • Soil

    Crimson Flag Lily Jennifer likes moist and fertile

    Moist and fertile

  • Water

    Crimson Flag Lily Jennifer likes occasional watering

    Occasional watering

Plant & bloom calendar

    Best time to plant
    When the plant will bloom

full grown dimensions

The size of a fully grown Crimson Flag Lily Jennifer is 0.20meters x 0.60meters 0.20 M 0.60 M

Hesperantha coccinea 'Jennifer' syn. Schizostylis coccinea 'Jennifer'

Hesperantha, previously known as Schizostylis, is a group of low level rhizomatous plants that mostly originate from South Africa. The species Hesperantha coccinea typically has red flowers with sword like green foliage, however many cultivars are now available and are suitable for herbaceous and mixed borders and come in varying colours now of red, pink and white. They can also be planted in pots. It is late flowering. It is also good as a cut flower in a mixed arrangement. 'Jennifer' has pale pink flowers.

Planting season

From Early Spring TO Mid Spring

Plant in Spring in moist, fertile soil in a sunny position which offers some protection from strong winds


Flowering season

From Late Summer TO Early Winter

Will flower continuously from early Autumn to early Winter (or until frost arrives)


Propagating by division

From Early Spring TO Mid Spring

Divide by digging up half a clump, and replanting it

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