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Cypress Vine in the GardenTags plant encyclopedia

Ipomoea quamoclit syn. Quamoclit pennata


Cypress Vine

This is a vigorous growing, self supporting plant with with heart-shaped leaves and trumpet shaped flowers that come in a variety of colours, red, blue, purple, white, pink and bi-colours, that open in the morning, usually, and close up at noon or shortly after. Each flower only opens once. They flower from early Summer through to the Autumn. Cypress vine blooms red, white, and pink. Star shaped blooms and the foliage is fern-like. Easy to grow. A favorite of gardeners, this annual is related to Morning Glories.

Contributed by @carrielamb

plant Features
  • Cypress Vine likes full sun

    Full sun

  • Cypress Vine likes occasional watering

    Occasional watering

  • Cypress Vine is not frost hardy

    Not Frost hardy

  • Cypress Vine likes moist and free draining

    Moist and free draining

plant information

Common name

Cypress Vine

Latin name

Ipomoea quamoclit syn. Quamoclit pennata






5.0 - 8.5 Acid - Neutral

  • Light

    Cypress Vine likes full sun

    Full sun

  • Frost

    Cypress Vine is not frost hardy

    Not Frost hardy

  • Soil

    Cypress Vine likes moist and free draining

    Moist and free draining

  • Water

    Cypress Vine likes occasional watering

    Occasional watering

Plant & bloom calendar

    Best time to plant
    When the plant will bloom

full grown dimensions

The size of a fully grown Cypress Vine is 1.00meters x 2.00meters 1.00 M 2.00 M

Ipomoea quamoclit syn. Quamoclit pennata

This is a vigorous growing, self supporting plant with with heart-shaped leaves and trumpet shaped flowers that come in a variety of colours, red, blue, purple, white, pink and bi-colours, that open in the morning, usually, and close up at noon or shortly after. Each flower only opens once. They flower from early Summer through to the Autumn. Cypress vine blooms red, white, and pink. Star shaped blooms and the foliage is fern-like. Easy to grow. A favorite of gardeners, this annual is related to Morning Glories.

Planting in Spring

From Mid Spring TO Late Spring

For an encouraging start, Cypress vines need to be kept in a warm greenhouse/window sill /conservatory until all signs of frost have gone. Ipomea are delicate and don't like the cold, soak the seed overnight before sowing. Can be planted in greenhouse or conservatory.


Flowering season

From Early Summer TO Early Autumn

Blooms will usually start the first of summer and continue until autumn. It will grow blooms that are white, bright red, or rose, and they are produced in mass! They stay opened all day

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